Thursday, July 4, 2019

Trump's Rally Costs Tax Payers Big

VOX Trump Salute to America Explained
Newsweek Multiple Millions of Tax Payer Dollars
FOX News Salute to America

Now from the FOX coverage, this would be interesting...  Though it is unlikely Trump would pay the bill given that Kellyanne is still employed. :-( I still don't know what true Conservatives in this spend and borrow President.
"While White House officials have also stressed that Trump's remarks will be patriotic, the president often finds it difficult to stay on any kind of script and, if he veers into the political realm, he could be financially liable.

Trump and the event's organizers could be on the hook to reimburse the government millions of dollars if he goes into campaign mode, in violation of federal appropriations law and the Hatch Act, which bars politicking on government time, said Walter Shaub, who left the Office of Government Ethics in 2017 after clashing with the White House over ethics and disclosure issues.

"There's not a history of disciplined speaking engagements where he sticks to a script," Shaub said of Trump.


John said...

Fact Checking Trump's Latest Claims

As I often say...

I don't know who I am more frustrated with:

- the serial liar

- those naïve enough to cheer instead of fact check him.

Anonymous said...

But wasn't worth it to have tanks next to the Lincoln Memorial? Don't you wish you could have a tank at your backyard barbecue?


John said...

I am sure a lot of Trump True Believers thoughts so and would love to have tanks at their barbecue... :-)