Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Obama Doctrine

A gift from Laurie:
Here's a link for a new topic idea. Its really looooong. I have only read excerpts so far but find it very interesting. I wish Obama could run for a third term.
The Obama Doctrine
Obama Talks Through Hardest Decisions
Given the poor choices available, I almost wish Obama could run for a third term.  Something about being more comfortable with the devil you know...  And as long as grid lock persists he is pretty harmless.

I keep looking for that elusive mythical Fiscal Conservative Social Liberal candidate.  Maybe I will become a Trump supporter after all. 


Laurie said...

well it took me reading the article on and off all day but I finished it and feel much more knowledgable about foreign policy. Some of the time I was reading I had cable news on in the background, with the ignoramus Trump pontificating, talk about a contrast in how views are expressed!

John said...

I did start to read it but found it pointless and boring. Maybe I will try it again when I have fully recovered from jet lag...

Laurie said...

I guess you need a strong interest in foreign policy or in Obama to enjoy reading it. I wish he could stay commander in chief, as I think Hillary is too much of a hawk.

John said...

Apparently Eric liked it too.