Friday, July 27, 2018

A Good Day for Trump

Since I often pick on Trump's character flaws, it is only fair that I report on positive results.

NYT Remains Start Trip Home
CNN Economy is Doing Great
CNN Trump Owed Some Credit
CNN Economy in 4 Charts

Of course I do need to remind folks that our current economic success is largely because we are stealing money from our kids...  It is easy to feel wealthy when one is spending with someone else's credit card.


Sean said...

The GDP numbers are legitimately good news.

But if the Michael Cohen allegation last night is true -- that Donald Trump knew about and signed off on the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians in June 2016, and then proceeded to lie about it for two years, that ought to be the ballgame, shouldn't it?

It shows that the Trump campaign -- from the highest possible levels -- colluded with the Russians, and then lied to the American people about it.

Anonymous said...

The kids will just have to steal money from their kids. Bear in mind also, that it wouldn't be necessary to steal money from our kids, if mom and dad hadn't stolen money from us.


John said...

Apparently Cohen has no proof other than his good word.

Now who is going to believe him? Well other than those already are certain of Trump's guilt in their own minds. So is it just more noise?

I my self have never doubted that Trump knew about the meeting, but my opinion means nothing in an impeachment case.

John said...

Our generations are stealing at a much faster rate. See the Debt Held By the Public Chart at this site.

Why do you keep rationalizing that spending more than we are willing to collect in taxes is okay?

Anonymous said...

I'm so confused. Am I supposed to believe the media today?


John said...

hahahahahahahahahaha... That is kind of funny. :-)

Sean said...

"I my self have never doubted that Trump knew about the meeting, but my opinion means nothing in an impeachment case."

If it's true that Trump knew and has engaged in a two-year cover-up of his campaign's top-level connections to Russia, doesn't that indicate he should be impeached? Shouldn't you then demand that of folks like Erik Paulsen or consider voting for people who would reach that same conclusion?

If Republicans were going to kick Bill Clinton out of office for lying about an affair, shouldn't Russiagate be more than sufficient for Trump?

John said...

But let me repeat... Show me the proof...

Sean said...

Sure, Michael Cohen doesn't have a ton of credibility, but neither do Trump and his associates.

Do we really believe that after several shifting stories on the campaign's connections to Russia (and just the changing stories on this meeting alone), that everything is on the level here?

Sean said...

"Show me the proof..."

I'm laying out a hypothetical. If what Cohen says is true (and you yourself believe it to be true), then isn't it also true that Trump should be impeached?

John said...

That will be up to our House of Representatives.

We elected them in part for this purpose.

Sean said...

I understand that, but we also get to have opinions. Do you have one?

John said...

I am of 2 minds...

My "law and order mind" says impeach...

My "they were just naive" and "looking for dirt like they normally would in business" says whatever...

These were my 2 minds about the Clinton email server fiasco also...

Sean said...

I know you love that false equivalency, but election-related collusion and poor e-mail management are not crimes of the same consequence.

John said...

To me Hillary’s offense may have been worse. She the “government expert” knowingly did something to skirt government systems, security and transparency when she knew it was wrong. I mean how does file a freedom of information act when the Sec of State is hiding her emails.

TheTrump campaign may have not known any better. Lord knows they are not “government experts.”

Is it worse to knowingly violate procedures / laws, or to accidentally violate them because you don’t know them.

Anonymous said...

"Is it worse to knowingly violate procedures / laws, or to accidentally violate them because you don’t know them."

I don't know. Ask the folks visiting Singapore who find themselves getting caned because they were unaware of the laws.

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse.


Sean said...

The Bush Administration disappeared 30 million e-mails on private servers and I don't here John calling to "lock them up".

But, hey, he voted for the guy who's too stupid to realize that working with Russian intelligence to win an election might not be a good idea.

(And, hey,let's ignore that the Trump campaign manager at the time in question was one Paul Manafort, who did know better and still sat in on the Trump Tower meeting anyway. Tax cuts rule, principles drool!)

John said...

So if Bush and crew had gotten in trouble for using RNC servers, what was she thinking?

I mean the Bush lesson occurred before her very poor choices and apparently the RNC had backup servers that could be accessed.

Unlike the Clinton fiasco where someone conveniently flushed theirs.

John said...

I personally don't care about Clinton's email, however I can certainly understand why the GOP Tribe thinks she did something very wrong.

- Not registering the servers in her name
- Deleting the originals and backups after discovery order was written
- Setting this system up after the Bush email fiasco

Thanks for telling me about the Bush email timeline...

John said...

Yes it does look like Manafort should have known better.

Now what did / didn't he tell the Trumps and why was he there for only a brief period before being replaced. Maybe someone explained to them the jeopardy that Manafort conveniently forgot to mention.

John said...

Even on a Good Day, Trump has to Lie...

The man just can not seem to help himself...

Sean said...

"Maybe someone explained to them the jeopardy that Manafort conveniently forgot to mention."

If that were really the case, the logical thing to do then would be to come clean and blame Manafort. Yet, they continue to this day to lie about it all.

Sean said...

It's fascinating, though, the lengths you will go to find excuses for Trump's unconscionable behavior versus the shaming you will provide for a poor person just trying to get by.

John said...

Well you seemingly want to convict before the Mueller folks complete their investigation...

Would you support convicting and punishing normal people without evidence or a trial?

John said...

NYT Fact Checks Trump Claims

Sean said...

"Well you seemingly want to convict before the Mueller folks complete their investigation..."

Everything I have said in this thread has been *if* what Cohen is saying is true. You yourself said you think Trump knew about the meeting.

So what's the threshold that has to met for you? Why are you so reluctant to talk about it or offer any sort of opinion about this? You ran multiple threads on the merits of impeaching Obama where you opined freely on the pros/cons. (Oops, your bias is showing again!)

John said...

Please remember that I was actually against the silly Conservatives who thought impeaching Obama made sense.

"J, Maybe you can enlighten me and save me some research. With some Conservatives openly dreaming of impeaching Obama, could you tell me what grounds they are imagining using? I may not always agree with the President, however this seems a bit out there. Thoughts?" G2A

"I don't think I ever said I supported impeaching him. Or encouraged anyone to do so. Please note the question mark in the post's title. Hiram and yourself said it would be a big deal if it happened and that the GOP and/or country would be damaged if they took that action. I said that ~50% of the population would support or not be against it. As for grounds, here is what one group thinks... It does seem they would need a better smoking gun to sway that middle 20%." G2A

I am happy to discuss the pros / cons here however I think you want to just "get out the rope"... Kind of like Jerry wanted to do when Obama was President. In both cases I recommend letting the process work.