Thursday, January 23, 2020

Let the Pollution Flow

NYT Trump to Strip Away Clean Water Rules

Well my farmer friends may be happy with this, but I do not approve.

I have a simple belief that a business should contain and process all chemicals used on their property to ensure they are safe before they leave their property.  Or they should pay for proper disposal.  The idea that businesses can let their wastes flow down stream to become someone else's problem seems so wrong to me.

Now please remember that urban areas and homeowners need to be held to the same standard.  All you folks over fertilizing your lawn, all our cities over salting the roads, etc.  Thoughts?


Laurie said...

off topic link on Reagan being unethical:

Reagan and the Hostages

John said...

I think I will file that under conspiracy theory, and yes he was a politician...

Therefore no angel...

Laurie said...

The dems and GOP are not mirror opposites of each other. To say the parties are the same is false equivalence.

<a href='">Why Democrats Still Have to Appeal to the Center, but Republicans Don’t</a>

Laurie said...

Why Democrats Still Have to Appeal to the Center, but Republicans Don’t

John said...

They aren't mirrors... The Moderates and Conservatives have many similar view, where as the Left, Far Left and Far Far Left go from basic Liberalism to Social Democracy to Socialism...

And not so many people want to embrace the Far Left, so yes you need to keep the Left and Moderates engage.

Laurie said...

I don't think you understood my link. The right doesn't need to appeal to moderates (center right) because there are very few people in that group. A high percent of GOP voters are on the far right. The dems need both the left and center-left to win.

Maybe Fox news is to blame that there are so few people that are center-right.

John said...

I simply think the author is wrong.

Just look at this PEW research graph.

The region weighted voting gives the GOP an advantage, but the Far Far Left gives the DEMs a disadvantage... They are so many and so far out of the main stream. :-(

John said...

Here is some more information that backs up my view.

Laurie said...

it is really very simple:

Three-quarters of Republicans identify as conservative, while only half of Democrats call themselves liberals.

Dems need half moderates to win. GOP needs only one quarter moderates to win.

Currently, I am concerned about the possibility that Sanders could win the nomination.

John said...

What they self label as is somewhat immaterial, because Liberal and Conservative are just words that mean something different to each person.

The reality is that the people who are willing to vote Democrat is still ~50 of voters. And a lot of them are fans of the Dem Soc ideals.

And of course the GOP has to watch the middle also or people like me will leave them. I mean look what happened in 2018.

John said...

Now if only half of DEMs are Liberal... Then how can Bernie, a self labelled Dem Soc be so popular?

John said...

I mean if Warren wasn't there splitting the Liberal vote he would be far in the lead...

Anonymous said...

The Pew Research graph is fun to look at. You can see how much things have changed since 1994.

John said...

Hi Molly,
I am not sure I would use the word fun... :-)

But it is very interesting to see the impact of technology on polarization.

My belief is that cable news, internet news, social media, etc have made it easier then ever for people to reinforce their desire to see and believe what they want to.

Back when we were all watching the same national news, we all had some common perceptions and information. Not anymore... Each of us gets to pick our "own truth"...

I am worried though where this ever growing polarization will take our country. :-(

John said...

Now this is fun and hopeful... :-)

Anonymous said...

It’s interesting how the median Republicans were moving to the left for a while. It’s intriguing to switch back and forth to analyze the changes in both parties.


John said...

Rush Limbaugh started in 1988.

Smaller satelite dish TV started in 1994...

FOX started in 1996...

And Facebook was founded in 2004...

And things started a changing. No one ever needs to listen to a different view anymore... :-(