Sunday, February 9, 2020

Tax Payers Pay FULL Price at Trump Hotels

From Sean...  Sorry for the delay in getting it out, I was on planes heading to lovely smoggy New Delhi. At least it is cooler than during my Summer visits..
"I did find something that Mr. Anti-Corruption Guy might want to look into...

WaPo:Secret Service has paid rates as high as $650 a night for rooms at Trump’s properties

Details like this seem important:

"The full extent of the Secret Service’s payments to Trump’s company is not known. The
Secret Service has not listed them in public databases of federal spending, as is usually
required for payments over $10,000."


"The Secret Service is required to tell Congress twice a year about what it spends to protect Trump at his properties.

But since 2016, it has only filed two of the required six reports, according to congressional offices. The reasons, according to Secret Service officials: key personnel left and nobody picked up the job.

Even in those two reports, the lines for Bedminster and Mar-a-Lago were blank."


"Also: Why did the Secret Service spend so much at Trump’s D.C. hotel, a place where — unlike Bedminster and Mar-a-Lago — Trump has not stayed overnight since taking office? In response to records request from NBC News, the Department of Homeland Security released a listing of 39 payments there during Trump’s first year, totaling $159,000."



Anonymous said...

On the other hand, Trump donates his paycheck.


Anonymous said...

When Obama was president, Republicans made a moderately big deal of various security costs he incurred. They whined at the bill when he had a night out in New York with Michelle. Obama. I was kind of embarrassed by the pettiness of these arguments and was thankful that my own partisanship meant that I wasn't the one who had to make them. Now the tables are turned and it's Trump whose normal lifestyle seems to be costing the taxpayer. I will tell you a little secret. I simply don't care. It's not an issue that matters. The fact that Republicans humiliated themselves then, just isn't a sufficient rationale for me to humiliate myself now.


John said...

I just like to keep these excesses in front of me to remind how the GOP supporters are hypocrites.

$4 million DAVOS Trip

I still remember Trump complaining about Obama's travels and vacations, and how he would stay at the White House working for the people. And now that he has spent SO MUCH MORE time and money gallivanting around on the tax payer's dime, I would expect fiscal Conservatives to call him on it and hold him accountable for the wasteful spending.

If not for the self benefiting excessive government spending at Trump resorts... But no they just cover their eyes and ears. Insisting that this Emperor's clothes are beautiful.