Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Farmers at the Trough?

 Bill Gates and Warren Buffet should thank American taxpayers for their profitable farmland investments

US Farm Subsidy Problem

CRP payments 

History of Ag Subsidies

Farm Subsidies Ballooned Under Trump

Since I am against making most wealth transfer payments, I do find rural America's hypocrisy a bit amusing.  Stop welfare, but send me my checks !!!  (comic says it all)

I acknowledge that much of this free money does come with rules, reporting, expectations, etc. However if we really want to eliminate the budget deficit, cuts need to occur every where.  :-O

The CRP program is one of my biggest pet peeves. We the tax payers are paying rent on people's hunting land, moderate land that the farmer does not want to farm, etc.  It is odd.


Anonymous said...

If Minnesota farmers were truly that greedy, they would not have thrown away the chairmanship of the Agriculture committee in Congress. Say what you will about Minnesotants, their residual liberalism results in the view that surely money that could be spent in Minnesota is better spent somewhere else.


John said...

Their throwing away Colin Peterson was crazy... :-O

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for CRP land. Not every square foot of land needs to be "productive".


John said...

It is good that you support ag subsidies then.. :-)

Anonymous said...

I support taking land out of production. Every farmer should be required to set aside a percentage of their land.


John said...

So they should pay $5,000 per acre and then let it sit idle?

Maybe you should spend $50,000 dollars for 10 acres and let it sit idle... :-)

You do realize that we have literally millions and millions and millions of acres of state land, federal land, non-farmable pastures, wetlands, etc?