Friday, January 21, 2022

Good News: Near COVID Peak?

Bad News: ~2000 dying each day and rising.

Good News: Hospitalization rate nearing peak?

Bad News: People are burned out and seem indifferent to ~2,000 Americans dying daily.

Good News: Many Americans do get vaccinated and wear masks.


Anonymous said...

If only we could get the virus to read charts. Or to follow reporting requirements.


John said...

Only time will tell if my prediction is correct...

Anonymous said...

Predictions are never correct. Nobody knows what the future will bring. And no one knows what the future would be if we take a different path. Lots of people demand certainty in predictions and projections. They use the fact that because such certainty is impossible, to argue that we have too little information, and that we should do nothing at all. That ignores the fact that the consequences of a choice to do nothing are just as uncertain as a choice to do something.

I know nothing about the science of viruses. I missed that day in junior high. I could do what many people, research the issue on the internet. The internet, after all, never lies. But that would be pointless. The cliche I use to describe that is "mining the data". Others call it a "confirmation bias". What I do is trust the people who have spent their careers studying things I know nothing about, and hope they get it right. It's lame I know, but who else should I trust? People who have made a career out of being wrong? People who have a demonstrated contempt for the truth? More significantly, people who are committed to not learning from experience?


John said...

I am happy you are not a member of one of my project teams...

We plan and predict all the time.

Sometimes we are incorrect, and an unplanned event occurs or we learn something we did not know.

Then we adjust the prediction / plan as appropriate.

My biggest concern here is that everyone will think we are past the peak and let down their guard... Of course, then I may need to adjust.

My biggest frustration is that many are starting to treat COVID as normal...

Even as ~2,000 people per day are dying from it. :-O