Monday, January 31, 2022

Is Ukraine a US Issue?

What do the Peaceniks think?  Maybe it is a good idea to keep a well funded and strong military?

Or do you think the USA should rely only on politics, negotiations, sanctions, etc against countries like Russia, China, etc?

Or should we just withdraw into our own borders and let the strong conquer the weak?


Anonymous said...

In the words of Chamberlain, Ukraine is "a far off country of which we know nothing." In formulating our response, I think it's important to get a clearer idea of Putin's objectives. One of them is to destabilize the domestic politics of the United States. Another is to weaken the NATO alliance that confronts him.


John said...

So back to my questions...

What should the USA do?

Anonymous said...

What I would like to do is isolate Russia. But America doesn't have that power. One of the things Putin is remind us is that America doesn't have that power. What he wants is for Americans domestically, to draw from the fact that because America isn't all powerful, that it is weak. Tyrants often mistake the limitations of power as weakness. Hitler knew we didn't have the power to defend Czechoslovakia. Or Poland. Saddam didn't think we had the power to defend Kuwait or attack Iraq. How did things turn out for those guys?

Conversely, Putin is reminded a lot of the power he lacks, and I am sure it aggravates him.


John said...

As long as Russia has the gas and oil Europe wants...

It is hard to cut him off.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that PUtin's plans, at least my version of them, aren't working out. I am wrong again. I thought there was at least a substantial possibility that Republicans wouldattack Biden's policy as a demonstration of weakness. I anticipated screeds from Trump to that effect. And we are seeing certain right wing leaders backing the Russians. But those are isolated figures who now look like the guessed wrong. I would also point out how canny Trump has been on the issue. While he constitutionally unable to praise Biden, he is able to do the next best thing and remain mostly silent on the issue.


John said...

We will have to see what concessions Putin can get for doing the right thing...

Anonymous said...

The obvious solution is for Putin to be assured that there are "no plans" to admit Ukraine to NATO, and perhaps to takedown the NATO build up on Russia's northern border.

Tyrants often mistake the unwillingness of leaders of democratic governments to jail opposition leaders as weakness. Hitler made that mistake in the aftermath of Munich. Saddam did as well. Putin has the same problem as America does, a military establishment that isn't designed to address 21st century military problems.
