Sunday, April 14, 2024

Don't Deduct Hush Payments

 to porn stars as a business legal expense. I will have to remember that, in case I am ever stupid, immoral and heartless enough to do such a thing.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Median and Average are Different

 Good vs Struggling Retirement 

I am thankful for my situation and the choices we made !!!

On the other hand, people ask me when I am going to retire...

I usually say after one really BAD day at work... :-)

Or when I think of something productive I would prefer to do. :-)

I am not the sit in a recliner kind of guy. :-O 

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Cut Entitlements

 To Match What People Paid for.  That is what I support.

2033 / 4 is coming quick...  Trust funds will be broke and FICA contributions will only pay 75% of what people are receiving.

Not sure what Trump wants to cut?

Monday, March 11, 2024

Weakened Don't Say Gay Law!!!

Florida settlement guts bad law   Thank Heavens !!!

Banning books and ignoring the needs of kids who are possibly LGBTQ was terrible...

And this was in the USA... So sad.  

I thought the GOP was for small government and local control.  Such hypocrites. :-(


When does a human become "human / sentient / get a soul"?

I had a long exchange of views with a Pro-Choice person who was adamant that abortions should be totally at the discretion of the Mother right up to full term.  To do otherwise was apparently a slippery slope towards the Handsmaid Tale. I disagree with her. 

I agree with the majority of Americans who think first trimester abortions are acceptable, and second trimesters are not. 

Personally, I would prefer to make birth control free and readily available so abortions would not be needed at all.

She kept trying to get me to explain why I believe ~15 weeks is human and 14.9 is not.  I acknowledged that I do not know the magic number and said that in a democracy, society gets to solve this.  That apparently was not a reasonable answer.

So I asked her the question noted above...  She was unwilling to answer me.

Why do the Left and Right have to be so inflexible / crazy? Thoughts?