An interesting piece. Thoughts?
CNN Black Privilege
CNN Black Privilege
Raising social involvement, self awareness and self improvement topics, because our communities are the sum of our personal beliefs, behaviors, action or inaction. Only "we" can improve our family, work place, school, city, country, etc.
"It’s also seemingly only Americans with four-year degrees or better who appear immune to the broader cultural and social forces eroding marriage. In 1950, white women with “some college,” such as an associate’s degree, were actually more likely to be married than their better-educated sisters. Today, it’s the opposite. Though women with a high school diploma or less have seen the sharpest drop in marriage rates, the decline has been almost as severe—and ongoing—for women just one short rung down the education ladder, regardless of race." (no duh... see below...)
"One reason the marriage behavior of elites has been so puzzling is that it defies the popular explanation for marriage’s decline." (really...)
"College graduates, wrote Reeves in the Atlantic, “are reinventing marriage as a child-rearing machine for a post-feminist society and a knowledge economy.” It’s the ultimate in helicopter parenting." (really...)
I agree with Joe, what are these folks thinking and what world do they live in? Saying this about the 2 most expensive districts in the state. And criticizing the charters who get ~50% of that funding. It is amazing.Thoughts?
“When it comes to the education crisis in Minneapolis and St. Paul public schools there is no money, there is no funding, nobody can come up with any solutions,”
As for causation and reparations: Now it is terrible that African Americans were brought here against their will, abused, worked, violated and killed. And thankfully the USA ended this deplorable practice before 1870.
Now my ancestors came here broke and speaking Norwegian sometime about then. They learned English, worked hard, made good choices and were pretty successful. My point is that blaming an event that occurred over 150 years ago for ones current state has got to be the most foolish thing I have heard of.
70 years ago Germany and Japan were totally destroyed and now they are 2 of the most successful countries in the world. I think these folks should be looking inward instead of outward.
"They have chosen to offer the advice that Obama not nominate anyone, and withhold their consent for such. Where is the problem?" JerryLiberals seem to think that a functional good government is some monstrous thing that pervades and controls many aspects of our personal lives and most of the power is at the Federal level. (ie 50+% of GDP) Conservatives think that a functional good government is some minimalistic thing that keeps us safe, maintains property rights, helps educate the citizens, provides transportation, etc and most of the power is at the State level. (ie 20-% of GDP)
The problem is anti-government folks like you voting in anti-government politicians (Oh, the irony!) which leaves the intelligent people in this country (those that understand that government has a purpose other than making war) stuck with an anti-government." Joel
"The problem is anti-government folks like you voting in anti-government politicians..." Joel
"Yep. People like me. People who think the government has usurped far too much power and authority for themselves and wish to elect people who will devolve power back to the States and to individuals. Or simply people who recognize that government does a few things well and a lot of things very badly, and want the government to quit doing those badly done, counterproductive things. You don't have to be "anti-government" to be pro-GOOD-government. " Jerry
"Mr. Gotzman left out a word. It would appear that the Governor's motto for this budget cycle is "Tax and Spend and Save for a Rainy Day." I'm fine with that, personally.As a senior living on a fixed income that's significantly lower than the median in Minneapolis, I dislike crumbling roads and bridges as much as anyone. If raising the tax on gasoline – whether at the wholesale or the retail level – is what it takes to keep the region's (and state's) roads and bridges in safe operating condition, so be it. There ain't no free lunch…While I'm not wedded to the specific figure of $15 an hour as a minimum wage, I do think that the current minimum wage is far too low. $10 an hour, which is, I believe, still somewhat above the current minimum, yields an annual income of less than $21,000. It appears, based on online sources, that average 1-bedroom apartment rental in Minneapolis is just over $1,000 a month – out of an income, at $10 an hour, of just over $1700 a month. It's nearly 60% of that monthly income, and for an "average" 1-bedroom apartment. Add another $100+ for utilities every month, toss in $200 a month for food, and there's not much left with which to take part in a "consumer economy," no matter how broadly it's defined.I do agree that it's going to be an interesting election cycle." Ray"Living Large. I will never understand the 1 bedroom apartment concept on one income as the standard.Back when I was making minimum wage I had 5 room mates with who to split the rent, utilities, etc. Then of course I moved into the marriage stage of my life where we had 2 incomes to support the 1 bedroom apartment.I believe the idea is to make living on minimum wage relatively uncomfortable so that people are encouraged to improve their earning potential. Unless you would prefer for them to stay trapped at the bottom rungs of the work force.This article has some good data. Atlantic Raise Min Wage?" G2A"I think we've passed the point where people are merely "living uncomfortably" and are to the point where it's unsustainable. Yes, people can cram a lot of bodies into an apartment and split the rent, but that only delays the issue as wages continue to stagnate and productivity gains are funneled to the wealthiest Americans.Most cities have housing codes that only allow so many people per house. What do you do when five people no longer cuts it and ten is illegal? It's better to take action now than wait till it becomes a crisis." Todd"I agree. Let's take action.
- deport 11,000,000 illegal workers and let legal residents take those jobs for more money.
- promote dual responsible parent households, penalize single parent households
- put the needs of unlucky students before the wants of public education employees
- buy American
The goal needs to be to increase the quality / capability of and the need for American workers, not just their wages. Increasing the cost without increasing the value will just encourage more American consumers to buy even more from overseas, and drive companies to automate more positions.If you really want to help, how do we as a society close the achievement gap and develop a culture where Americans are willing to pay more for High Domestic Content Products and Services. Now who is willing to give up their Subaru, Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, LG, Sony, etc, etc, etc?" G2A
""Ted Cruz, for instance, has a tax plan that would trim federal revenue by $860B annually, but he has only specified $50B annually in spending cuts." Sean
And yes I have heard the GOP silliness that one cuts taxes to raise revenues. Unfortunately Reagan and Bush showed that it did not work.
Zfacts Reagan Bush Tax Cuts " G2A
""And yes I have heard the GOP silliness that one cuts taxes to raise revenues. Unfortunately Reagan and Bush showed that it did not work." -- John
Such statements are common when you read left-wing sources. The fact is, the Reagan (and I believe) Bush tax cuts DID increase federal revenues. The debt exploded because Congress failed to curb (or even control) spending, which rose faster. Just like MN, we don't have a revenue problem, we have a SPENDING problem. Trump's simple diagnosis, that "we have stupid people in Washington" may not point to a cure, but it sure resonates with people who believe the same thing. And why shouldn't they? Any fool knows that when you get deep in debt the first thing you do is cut up your credit cards, and then start figuring out what you can cut out of your budget." Jerry
"Since my long link has sparked no interest I will throw in a new topic, which is again a bit long, but not as daunting as the Obama doctrine. This one is on education, the video in question can be found about midway through the article.
Beyond the viral video
Inside educators’ emotional debate about ‘no excuses’ discipline"
Here's a link for a new topic idea. Its really looooong. I have only read excerpts so far but find it very interesting. I wish Obama could run for a third term.
The Obama Doctrine
Obama Talks Through Hardest DecisionsGiven the poor choices available, I almost wish Obama could run for a third term. Something about being more comfortable with the devil you know... And as long as grid lock persists he is pretty harmless.
"Jill Breitner initiated the petition on, calling for Nat Geo WILD to take the show "Cesar 911" off the air. Friday morning, the number of signatures was closing in on 10,000."These folks would go nuts if they watched what my hunting dog does to rabbits and skunks. And yes she was SO PROUD when she brought me back the dead skunk out at the farm 3 weeks after I had gotten her from the Humane Society last June when Cassie died. She did not enjoy the 2 weeks of many baths she endured as I worked to get the stench off her. Thankfully she has not done it again... [yet :-) ]
Another topic idea (with a more charitable explanation of why people such as your parents might support Trump):I get back to the cities about 2 PM Mpls time. I can't wait.
White working-class nostalgia, explained by John Wayne
one good word:we
and from Kevin Drum about Trump supporters:
Americans Aren't Anxious About the Economy. So What Are They Anxious About?
"When you are back in town and interested in blogging again here is a link that I think makes an interesting topic.Yeah. Imagine if Cruz wins and the GOP controls the House and Senate... :-(
Constitutional Crisis and Political Stalemate
You may think continued gridlock is a good idea. I sort of agree, as the continuation of dysfunctional govt is much better than Trump or Cruz as president.