Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crucial Conversations

After covering school issues for several weeks, let's try something new.

Have you ever had a conversation when you felt you were losing it and getting angry with the other participant(s)? Or have you ever felt that someone was attacking you or your beliefs, and you wanted to run from the other participant(s)? Or you were seriously wondering if the other participant(s) was crazy or living in an alternate universe? (ie teenagers...) If you haven't, you must be a rare individual or a hermit...

Being somewhat normal and human, I used to encounter some of these situations on a regular basis. Then a coach/mentor turned me onto a book entitled "Crucial Conversations" (Patterson, etal). To save me the time of summarizing, below are some links to different summaries.

By the way, the uncomfortable situations still arise at times, however I can now handle them much better than in the past. Definitely worth the read. Comments encouraged !!!

CC Training (big bucks...)

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