Sunday, October 16, 2016

Are Elections Rigged?

CNN Trump rachets up "rigged elections"



Sean said...


Sean said...

A longer version of No.

John said...

Excellent link !!!

I believe in the softer version of Voter ID (like SD) as one more simple safe guard, but overall I have great faith in the robustness of our election processes.

I think the only one rigging the vote against Donald Trump is Donald Trump and that foot he keeps shoving in his mouth...

Laurie said...

what percent of trump supporters will believe him and consider Clinton a illegitimate president after she wins? I think about half, which to me seems to be a big problem / dangerous situation.

What concerns me personally is that Trump will not go away after he loses and will create a media platform for himself. I will admit that thoughts of violence have crossed my mind, like maybe somebody should just shoot him to shut him up. I decided a better solution is for me to turn off cable news. I agree with John, that I cannot wait for this election to end!

John said...

Seems some of the peace loving tolerant Liberals did more than think about violence.

Laurie said...

Election officials brace for fallout from Trump’s claims of a ‘rigged’ vote

Anonymous said...

"Seems some of the peace loving tolerant Liberals did more than think about violence."

One has to wonder if you read the article yourself, as it also mentions vandalism at a nearby Democratic office. It also mentions that Democrats raised the money to repair the Republican office in just a few hours. I mean, it's not unusual for a Conservative such as you to focus on the bad things done to those you agree with and ignore the good, but you're so obvious about it.


John said...

Given how much time the Liberal commenters and press dedicate to "aggressive intolerant violent Conservatives", it is nice to remember that both sides have their violent destructive members.

Joel Fischer said...

Ah, the old "both sides do it" false equivalency.

Well played.


John said...

Why is it that people often think "the other side is much worse"?

It must be one of those "we good / they bad" psychological things...