Saturday, January 12, 2019

What Should Happen at The Border?

MPR Two Minnesota attorneys' trip to the border captures 18-hour standoff with officials

A FB friend posted the above link.
"This is a big part of the problem. USCIS regulations state that asylum seekers can request asylum when they reach US soil or a port of entry. If we don’t want them to come here first, then seek asylum, we should change the law, not break it."
And the following quote.
“Pottratz Acosta said she finds it frustrating that, on the one hand, the Department of Homeland Security says people should apply for asylum the right way, at a port of entry, instead of crossing illegally. But on the other hand, it prevents certain people from doing so."
So I linked to the Asylum page and the Asylum Process page. And posted this quote from the Asylum page.
"Every year people come to the United States seeking protection because they have suffered persecution or fear that they will suffer persecution due to: Race, Religion, Nationality, Membership in a particular social group, Political opinion, If you are eligible for asylum you may be permitted to remain in the United States."
Here are my thoughts and questions:

  • What do Liberals think should happen at the border?
  • Is their idea that a person or group would show up, be finger printed, fill out some paperwork and be allowed to cross into the USA immediately? How long of a wait is acceptable?
  • At which time they would be free to go where they want and do what they want in the USA until their court hearing?
  • Are their any limits to how many they think should be processed each day?
  • Why is it deemed "unacceptable" for these people to stay in Mexico while their asylum application is being reviewed?
  • Do they deem Mexico to be an unsafe place for asylum seekers?  Is the USA that much better?
  • Should we set up even more "safe holding" capacity at the US / Mexico border , so the asylum seekers can be safe and contained during the process?  In essence refugee camps?
And ultimately I wonder:
  • How many of the billions of people in the world who live in more disruptive unfair and unsafe communities than ours do you want to accept into ours each year?
  • Do you want them to go to our consulates, apply and await permission?
  • Or do you want them to sell everything, pack up their kids, start walking through crime invested areas just be told their issues are not bad enough when they arrive?


John said...

Now for the distraction... He just posted a link that correctly notes that most illegalas are VISA over stayers

John said...

That seems like a different topic that also needs to be addressed separately. At least those folks waited in line back home, processed the correct forms, got the correct back ground checks and came here after they were approved.

This is quite a bit different than people dragging their children thousands of miles through criminal hot beds to show up at our door demanding immediate entry.

jerrye92002 said...

Interesting question from the immigration form I attended today: are the millions of people who can get "asylum" by simply walking across our southern border more worthy of it than the millions more who have to cross an ocean to do so?

jerrye92002 said...


John said...

Why would that question matter?

It seems to me that Europe takes most of the refugees and asylum seekers from Africa and Asia...

We take most of them from South America...

Especially when it is the Conservatives who have an irrational fear of Muslim Asylum seekers.

John said...

I forgot to link to this interesting piece video that was on PBS News hour last night.

It is so surreal watching all these folks just walk across the border and turn themselves in.

John said...

No DACA for Dollars

jerrye92002 said...

"irrational"? Au contraire.

John said...

Please provide your rationale for fearing Muslim Asylum seekers.

jerrye92002 said...

Take a wee bit of a look at Europe. Or a blind eye, if you prefer, as it appears.

John said...

Please continue...

I am not sure what to look for in Europe.

Anonymous said...

Since most illegal aliens arrived here by plane, maybe we should build a wall around our airports. Or maybe we should shutdown airlines altogether.


jerrye92002 said...

muslim problems in Europe

jerrye92002 said...

You don't have to look very hard, it's all over the news, despite the cover-up.

John said...

Interesting link. A bunch of Klan postings and Muslims being beaten by Klan type folks...

Now how can you tell the difference between:

- Muslim problems?

- Millions of poor refugee problems?

John said...

Actually they were legal when they arrived by plane...

However they just stayed longer than they were supposed to...

jerrye92002 said...

If the refugees are Muslim, it is a Muslim problem.

jerrye92002 said...

And we didn't need a wall around the airport, we needed a way to limit visa overstays. Which the Democrats won't allow to be funded.

Anonymous said...

91% of Americans living in Mexico are illegal.


John said...

So our refugee problems are Catholic problems?

jerrye92002 said...

Good point, John. Only Muslims who are out gang-raping, setting fires, terrorizing ordinary citizens BECAUSE they are Muslims are causing problems.

John said...

A real source?

jerrye92002 said...

see previous

John said...

How and when did you become an Islamaphobe?

John said...

Here is a more balanced discussion of the Issues

jerrye92002 said...

TPT is now your "balanced" source? How about a simple thought experiment like, would you allow a person with no resources, no respect for you or your values, take over your home and refuse to follow your rules? Why should countries do so?

John said...

Yes. NPR and PBS are Excellent and Well Balanced

John said...

So are you saying that us Protestant Christians should have kept those idiot Catholics, Jews, Muslims and Atheists out of our country?

My view is that democratic countries by their nature are secular and open to allowing different groups of people into the country. That is what Rule 1: Freedom of Religion was / is all about.

Where as apparently you would prefer to take a page from our country's history. Maybe you would like to burn down someone else's place of worship...

"Centuries of tension between Protestants and Catholics found their way into United States cities and verbal attacks often led to mob violence. For example, Protestants burned down St. Mary’s Catholic Church in New York City in 1831, while in 1844, riots in Philadelphia left thirteen dead."

John said...

By the way, I do agree that religious fundamentalists of all kinds are problematic.

They seem to have a very hard time respecting people of other faiths, and often they like to make big families whether they can afford them or not.

American Catholics used to have that problem... I hope American Muslims will change sooner than later.