Sunday, September 4, 2011

Shutdown, or Cassellius & Dayton?

Well, I have been checking occasionally for the updated MN School Report Cards and they are still not there.  Last year they were posted by early July.  And this year the kids did them on a computer...  So why the delay???  Did the 3 wk shutdown delay the posting by 2 mths?  Or is their a political conspiracy afoot?

In the mean time, here are some interesting links.  Enjoy...  I am going back to sanding cabinets...

MN Dept of Ed RAS Report Card
Star Trib  New Grad Rate Formula
Asian Scientist US 32nd in Math


Laurie said...

info overload from too many twitter links has my brain near exploding much of the time these days. On education there is a much about reform in a direction away from a strong focus on test scores. I don't know if you are familiar with radical management, but a column in Forbes,The Single Best Idea for Reforming K-12 Education, has received much attention. A followup column is posted today.

John said...

Very interesting links. Seems the gentleman lives in an incredible world where the Teachers are all very capable, effective and "JUST KNOW" what to teach. Maybe he lives in Lake Wobegon.

Now isn't this what life was like before NCLB and this whole accountability crusade?

Isn't what he is describing what contributed to our lack of results and large number of kids that were being left behind?

It seems odd to recommend going back to a model thathat was certainly failing a great number of kids...

How do you see people and employees?
Theory X & Y
Theory Z

Laurie said...

It seems to me pre NCLB schools still operated under the factory model (closer to management model X) which is what we need to get away from to something more like management theory Z or radical management that Denning describes. It will probably involve changing the role of unions.

Since I really know nothing about this (I suspect that you know much more than me) I am not going to write much. I do have one more Denning link,Why Lean Programs Fail -- Where Toyota Succeeds: A New Culture of Learning which has a good summary near the end of why schools much change. I have ordered the featured education book, so once I have all the answers I will pass them along here.