Saturday, December 2, 2017

Adventures in Business Travel

I worked Thursday morning, went to the airport at 1 PM, stayed in the Paris airport for a little while on "Friday morning" and didn't arrive at my hotel in Chennai India until 2 AM "Saturday" morning. and now it is 3:45 PM on "Saturday"... (4:15 AM in Mpls) And I have no idea why they are 11 and 1/2 hours ahead...

So needless to say I just woke up and am struggling to stay awake until 10 PM so I can get my body changed over to this time zone. Somehow James Bond always makes this life look easy and glamorous... No immigration lines, no jet lag, etc :-)

Here is my first look outside my hotel room window. And it confirms my previous perspective, where as China is organized, planned and clean, India is chaos, natural and messy. (G2A Interesting India) I suppose that is due to the difference between the governments and cultures.

To cut my air fare in half I am staying here two days extra, so I hope to escape my hotel and get out into the chaos at least one day. More later. (click pics to enlarge)

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