Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Parental Responsibilities

My sister just posted a link to this on FB...  I don't know if it is a real story...  But I LIKE it !!!


Sean said...

"I don't know if it is a real story... But I LIKE it !!!"

Says the guy who rips on the President's veracity and complains about the sources other people use when posting...

John said...

I was being honest... I have not fact checked the source...

Are you crabby always? Or is it just the April SNOW?

A big frowny face for you. :-(

John said...

Bummer... It is apparently a Fake.

Sean said...

No, I'm not crabby. Just thought it was strange that you blame the President for just blurting out stuff but you when you see something that fits your frame you post it out without checking it.

John said...

Maybe if people posting questionable sources or the POTUS led with...

"I don't know if it is a real story... But I LIKE it !!!"

I would not be quite so critical of them. I pulled down the link but left the cool idea / graphic.

Personally I think we as should demand those items and much more from every parent.

Laurie said...

If that sign was posted in a school that my child attended I would have been mildly offended or annoyed, as it implies that parents are not doing their job. It would be more effective to thank parents for teaching their children manners, as we all do to a greater or lesser degree. If I am thanked for doing something I will likely try to do it even better.

John said...

Many parents are NOT doing their job well... Or do you think our terrible academic achievement gap and in-school behavior problems are the fault of public education?

When are we going to stop making excuses for adults and start helping the unlucky kids?

jerrye92002 said...

The last line is proof the thing is fake. The schools are NOT teaching the academic subjects, and are not reinforcing the socializing parents are supposed to provide but rather actively, in many cases, undercutting it.

Anonymous said...

I'm more offended that they apparently don't teach the Arts at that school.


jerrye92002 said...

Though I am not MORE offended, I will agree with Moose that the Arts should not be the first thing cut in order to teach things like "gender fluidity."

Anonymous said...

Do you have proof that "gender fluidity" is being taught?

But you're probably one of those that think teaching about Islam is the same as indoctrinating students in the religion.


jerrye92002 said...

You have proof, as do I, that the arts are being cut from the curriculum. What do you suppose is taking its place? Considering the "transgender toolkit" being sent to schools?

And yes, I am one that thinks "teaching about Islam" without teaching about any other religion has an indoctrinating effect. What other conclusion would be possible?

John said...

Which school only teaches about only 1 religion?

That sounds like a Private school thing.

Anonymous said...

jerry's just making things up again.

The toolkit: You've proved my point.

I went to a K-12 Catholic school. We learned about other religions. I'm still Catholic. See how that works?

Knowledge, education, and empathy are never bad things. Why should we want your philosophy (which withholds those things) to prevail?


John said...

Since we are commenting on a made up school...

Making things up seems strangely appropriate... :-)

jerrye92002 said...

What about PUBLIC schools?

jerrye92002 said...

And it isn't a "made up school." Do the homework before making such pronouncements.