Tuesday, July 2, 2019

More Government More Taxes for All

VOX Can Elizabeth Warren build a bigger welfare state without taxing the middle class?
It’s hard to build a Nordic welfare state on the backs of the rich alone.

This is a pretty interesting and pragmatic piece. And since we on vacation in Austria / Germany

Seeing how the Religious Leaders and Aristocracy lived here, it reminds me that everyone has it pretty great in modern America.

Below in the foreground is the mansion / gardens that one of the Arch Bishops had built for his "not wife" and 15 children.  In the distance is the Salzburg fortress.

And for all you Game of Thrones folks out there...  A dragon may be the only way to get into the fortress...  It is WAY UP THERE with many gates and good ways to shoot down on invaders.

And who needs food when you can paint a bull... :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She will save money by transporting fewer tanks to the Mall. Perhaps she worries less about potential coups than our incumbent president.
