Monday, February 24, 2020

How to Win The Middle?

VOX These are the popular ideas progressives can win with (and some unpopular ones to avoid)

VOX What Trump got right about white America

Let's just say that it is Bernie vs Trump in 2020, I wonder how this would play out?

I mean we have Trump the massive NATIONAL DEBT creator who is afraid to confront Putin regarding cyber warfare and unwilling to commit to a new healthcare system proposal to protect those with pre-existing conditions. (More Debt Info)

Against Bernie who loves government services, spending and taxes apparently.  Though it is unlikely he could accomplish much due to the GOP Senate control.

It would be very interesting to see how this would turn out?

I mean we have Tribe Conservative who loves Trump despite his warts.  And I assume Tribe Liberal will learn to love Bernie, since they hate Trump so much.  That will leave us moderates with a very interesting decision... :-)


Anonymous said...

I don't think Bernie will be loved much by liberals or Democrats. He isn't a particularly lovable, and libs and Dems tend to be independent thinkers. But he is what we have got, and like just about anyone else, he is better than Trump.

Something I have noticed lately. Godwin's law says you can't make Nazi analogies, so the result is to compare Trump to Mussolini. Apparently Godwin's Law doesn't apply to Mussolini analogies. It's still okay to call Democrats Communists.


John said...

Actually it is Bernie who calls himself a Socialist.

So one can see why people think of him and his supporters as pro-socialism / communism.

Anonymous said...

And trusting in the stupidity of many Americans, you can conflate socialism and communism at will and no one will notice.


John said...

Communism vs Socialism

John said...

Socialism vs Communism

Bernie doubles down on Cuba Compliments

John said...

Why Bernie's Praise of Castro matters

John said...


Sean said...

The same people who tell us now that Bernie's old comments on the Soviet Union matter are the same people who told us that Trump getting busted for racial discrimination in the 1970s was old news.

Laurie said...

K drum says bernie needs to have very big youth turnout to win.

New Survey Suggests Bernie Can Win Only With Enormous Youth Turnout

John said...

The challenge it seems is that he unapologetically keeps saying some of those. (ie Castro did some good things)

Interesting piece.

John said...

VOX Bernie Would Need Huge Turnout