Sunday, January 10, 2021

Choose Your Words Carefully

 An excellent PBS piece that explains the challenge in choosing the correct words.

And here is a piece that explains the differences and similarities between Fascism and Communism.

I have been having lively debates with FB folks about if the Trump supporters are Facism enablers or Freedom lovers, and there is a good argument on both sides. I mean to folks who are supporting Trump:

  • have historically supported lower taxes, less government, less regulation, law / order, etc.  They have been Conservatives or Conservative Libertarians.  In essence the opposite of a Totalitarian.
  • however now these folks seemingly want to violate the USA laws so that their chosen President can remain in power against the will of the people. And worse yet they want to use government and regulations to keep "different" migrants out of the country, to allow them to treat LGBTQ people differently, to force expectant Mothers to comply with their beliefs, etc. 

Now there is no doubt that Trump is only worried about Trump, this has been the reality for 4+ years. And he certainly would love to be the Vladimir Putin of the USA. He checks nearly every box of the Fascism Checklist

So the questions are... 

  • Do Trump's supporters truly want him as a Dictator even though that means the end of our democratic self rule?  
  • Or are they just naïve anti-government folks that he has manipulated for his benefit by giving them some of their desires?

I would have assumed it was the latter, but I just can not understand how they have bought into his lies. given how extreme they have been. :-(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The great advantage our law gives white collar criminials is that, very often, if they choose their words carefully, often they can get off the hook.
