"I do find it interesting that Liberals pride themselves on being tolerant and accepting of different people, yet they seem happy that the ads are trying to drive wedges by making people envious and jealous of the Mills family. A local group that seems to have made their money by providing good products for good prices. Definitely one of my favorite places to shop.
And of course there was that goofy hair ad where they replay the same clip over and over. I guess this is likely good news, it likely means they have nothing of substance to go after him for." G2A
"No John, I don't envy his wealth, I don't need it. I'm not jealous of him or his family, from their history, it sounds kind of sad. I dislike Mills because he is arrogant, smarmy, and has a vision for this country that is designed to make life worse for people like me and those I care about. Why is that so hard for conservatives to accept? It is possible to think a person is a jerk, independent of their financial status." MattWhat I was fascinated by is the idea that Matt truly seems to believe that all Republican politicians care about are the wealthy. I mean almost half the population of American citizens vote Republican, including people who are poor, middle class and wealthy, White, Black, Hispanic, Religious, not Religious, etc.
"Then all the ads mentioning his salary, family wealth, etc should be stopped?
Personally I don't know if he is arrogant, smarmy, etc. I have never talked with the man.
And the correct statement would be . "I believe his vison will make life worse for ..."
I am always amazed that people think Republicans are actively trying to "make life worse" for their constituents. Many of whom are just like you. The reality is that they believe in a different way of making life better for us." G2A
"I don't believe they have any care for their liberal constituents at all. Then again I don't think they care about the conservative ones without money to fund campaigns either. You forget, I'm a cynic. Go ahead and believe your "just like me" malarkey all you like, conservatives don't care about me and mine, and never will. Don't act so surprised when I express my distaste for them as a result. You're all welcome to change your views and behavior if you'd like to win my support or assistance, but of course that won't be happening in my lifetime, so here we are." Matt
I mean both the Democrats and Republicans believe in a mixed economy. The Democrats just want to pull it to the Socialism side and the Republicans want to pull it towards the Capitalism side. Do all Liberals truly believe that the Republicans are out to "make life worse for people like me and those I care about"??? I mean wouldn't that be kind of counterproductive and likely to annoy their voters who come from almost every demographic?
Just a note: from what I can tell Matt's household is middle to upper middle class. And I am guessing White, but I have no idea.