Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Problem's Beginnings

How Twin Cities Became so Racially Divided

ARC GIS Redlining in Minneapolis

Racial Bias in the GI Bill

A Forgotten History of Government Bias

More Inconvenient History

Land and Roots of the Problem

For any White folk who are feeling superior and judgmental tonight, you may want to read the history above.  I agree that many of the struggling folks need to change their choices and actions if they want to escape poverty.  However many our families were given many benefits that were withheld from them.

It is okay to be proud of what our ancestors accomplished, but it is very wrong to look down on others who faced much hard challenges and failed. 

Still looking for ideas on how to help them escape the trap we helped lead them into.  Giving them money / reparations is NOT the answer.  They need education, good jobs, stable families, etc.  Thoughts?

History of Twin City Segregation

Friday, May 29, 2020

End of Days?

Disease, Unemployment and Riots

And given the legal issues this may last for awhile.

And our President instead of leading, kicks the hornets nest.

And after spending $3 Trillion we do not have...
To save folks at a cost of $5+ million per saved citizen...
They are looking at spending even more we don't have.

And we have a Republican President wanting regulations so he can post lies on a company's system.

And in the middle of a global pandemic, the President decides to exit the global organization that is fighting it.

Maybe the end of days is nearing and we won't need to worry about Climate Change anymore. :-)

Cuomo's Tale of 2 Cities

Cuomo's Tale of 2 Cities

This is an excellent piece though it leaves me with our usual question...

How can America get minorities educated, financially stable and in 2 parent families?

Just giving them money is not the answer as we learned from the war on poverty.

Gang Dbase

Thursday, May 28, 2020

I am Concerned for the Folks Back Home

So many of them have been listening to FOX news downplay the severity of the COVID Virus.  So they are against masks and think it is just another flu. :-(  And slowly but surely it seems to be surrounding them. :-(  Oh well, I tried to warn folks out there but they will unfortunately learn the hard way unless something changes. :-(

Hard to believe we have 600 Minnesotans in the hospitals and over 200 in the ICU for this "harmless bug".

Mpls Make National News

for the death of George Floyd and Riots.

The odd thing is that kneeling on the back of the neck is an approved restraint, however I do not understand why it was held so long?  Were they waiting for a vehicle, ambulance other?

Of course it is being portrayed as a racist action, and has triggered violent protests and looting even though cause of death has not been announced that I know of.  One facebook friend even referred to it as a "lynching' though I am pretty sure the officer had no intention to suffocate Mr Floyd in front of the cameras.  Or do you disagree?

I am very interested to see the body camera footage.  Because at one point they were politely walking Mr Floyd to the cruiser and next he is on the ground.  What happened?

MPLS Police Policy Book

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Big Government Control?

Will Trump try to control companies?

Now I knew that Trump was not a small government conservative, but will he have the nerve to try to use Big Government to make a Company display his lies?

It will be humorous if Trump removes their liability protection and in answer to that they clamp down even further on what content we can share on their systems.  Either way I think Trump is just going to lose even more voters if he tries to add "regulations" on our favorite businesses.

I mean what does a normal customer do if they do not like the policies of a service provider...  Go find a different service provider...  I mean if Trump's wants to publish lies and conspiracy theories all he needs to do is set up a web page of his own.

By the way, apparently Zuckerberg is a big chicken who is willing to help propagate lies and conspiracy theories.  I suppose he is worried that Big Government Regulation Man Trump may try to interfere in his company.

Of course Trump needs something to help people forget that he promised COVID was a big nothing burger in February and now it has killed 100,000+ Americans.  And the fact that if he had acted earlier tens of thousands of Americans would still be alive.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Thank Heavens Twitter Fact Checks

Trump and Other Lying Trolls.

And of course Trump is not Happy that his statements will be fact checked, but I sure am ecstatic.

I am not sure how we got to the point that our President can lie daily and almost half the American citizens either believe him or don't care.  I am not even sure which is worse, I mean:

  • stupid cultists who don't know better is bad, but
  • citizens that know he is lying and accept it as okay seems so much worse.  
To those who believe Trump, my offer still stands.  Find a factcheck here that you disagree with here and I will research it and post on it. Or even here...

I like this comic, Honest Abe was like rolling in his grave as Lying Trump was interviewed at Abe's monument

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Who Pays the Bills

if Churches Open and Folks get Sick?

A FB friend triggered that thought with that link.  I mean:

  • Churches, Mosques and Synagogues do not pay taxes.
  • They host a mixed age group with more older people.
  • The services are often held in doors.
  • They often sing, speak, etc at and with each other.
  • Many of the people wanting them open are against wearing masks.

So we have a "special interest group" who wants to open in essence the perfect transmission space for the virus.  And I am fine with them doing so, however as a fiscal conservative I want to know if they are willing to pay the healthcare bills (ie medicaid, medicare, etc) and contact tracing bills for their members who get COVID in that environment?

Now please remember that I am a Church member and they are still taking my monthly offering out of my checking account.  They are still fulfilling their essential duties, except just not in chapel services.  So why exactly is this a big deal to folks ?  I am assuming it is just a political thing and Trump knows how to wind up his True Believers.

And yes there is a risk of transmission at the big box stores, however they generate a TON of MONEY in Sales taxes, Property taxes, Corporate taxes, etc.  And I do not see people gathering to sign hymns, chat, etc in aisle 6... :-)

COVID Moving into Trump Country
Minnesotans: 550 in Hospital, ~25 dying each day

Thursday, May 21, 2020

COVID is Coming for Rural Americans

As this real cool map shows...

It is almost like a horror story where the blob or slow moving zombies close in on the unaware or denying locals... Cue the screaming woman... :-)

And yet I keep finding people who are adamant that they do want to wear a mask when they are inside crowded buildings with other people.  Oh well... This "blob" needs unaware people to help transport and spread it. :-(
Now though I wish Gov Walz had opened inside eating with spacing constraints. Here is an update on Sweden vs MN...  If we had followed Sweden's method we likely would have had another 1,100 dead Minnesotans for better or worse.

Sweden Dead (3,831 of ~11 Million)
MN Dead (809 of 5.5 Million)
MN Dead by Age

GOP Fears Voters

Why else make it so hard?

TX Appeals Court Ruling

Trump makes threats

Heritage Voter Fraud Site

Fact Check Voter Fraud Site

NBC Trump Pushes False Claims

Usually I accuse the DEMs of not working hard enough to  secure the votes from the moderates and disenfranchised in the purple states.  However today's message is if the GOP is scared that people will not vote for them if voting is easy, maybe they should do something different?

Protecting the safety of voters and making it easy to vote should be the goal.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Is He Taking Hydroxychloroquine?

Given his tendency to lie, is it beyond reason to think that he would say yes while not doing it?

I mean he went on record supporting it and the research is not going so wellThe FDA is even recommending against using it.
"We have reviewed case reports in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System database, the published medical literature, and the American Association of Poison Control Centers National Poison Data System concerning serious heart-related adverse events and death in patients with COVID-19 receiving hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, either alone or combined with azithromycin or other QT prolonging medicines.  These adverse events were reported from the hospital and outpatient settings for treating or preventing COVID-19, and included QT interval prolongation, ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation, and in some cases death. " FDA
Now one must remember that Trump is a self centered chicken...  Does it seem that he would be willing to use his unhealthy self a guinea pig?  Especially when he does not have COVID.
"Trump’s doctor released a letter that said only that the two men had discussed the matter and had “concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks,” without saying whether he has prescribed it to the president." 
On the upside maybe more Trump True Believers will take their medical advice from him and not Neal Cavuto.  It is so unfortunate that we even have to consider that our President may have just lied bold faced, and by doing so he may have put some of his most ardent cult members at risk. :-(  Well those who did not try to drink bleach... :-)

Let's hope that this time he told the truth.  At least that way he has some blood in the game.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Who is THEY?

That is manipulating the COVID data and analysis?

I mean these folks have their man in charge of the CDC and the US Dept of Health.  And the people he chose are running those organizations...  And yet repeatedly I hear people saying that there is some big conspiracy with the numbers.

At what point will they trust the numbers that the Trump Administration is publishing?

One gentlemen just inferred on FB that "they" were keeping the number of tests down so that "they" could claim COVID is more dangerous than it is.

Now if it was a Democratic President and Senate, I may understand.  Or if this was Trump's first year in office...  But Trump has been in office for over 3 years...  He owns the issue, the data, the consequences, etc. It is the DEMs who should be distrusting the numbers... :-)

And who is is questioning the importance of more testing other than Trump himself.

And he is praising a test that his FDA is questioning.

And this hilarious one... Navarro Blames Trump.

This all started when I said I was really interested in getting a reliable antibody test...  And was told that "THEY" were dragging their feet.  :-)  I wonder if "THEY" is related to "NOT ME". :-)

Sunday, May 17, 2020

When Cheating, Fire the Ref?

Or so Trump seems to be doing?  NYT

It is a strange system where the boss can fire the auditors? WAPO

Especially when asked by the guy being investigated? CNBC

Romney says "a threat to accountable democracy" CNN

Was Investigating Pompeo FOX News

Trump continues Purge of Watch Dogs VOX

I still don't understand how people who want to stop government waste and drain the swamp can support Trump as he gets rid of people who investigate him and his cronies? :-(  I guess "their" waste and abuse of power is okay?

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Lock Up the Elderly and Infirm?

I have been spending time in Jerry's world.  Please join us and help me understand his thinking?
"There you go again, simply ASSUMING that the shutdown "slowed the transmission." And by the way, I value human life in its entirety-- the freedom to move about, worship, speak, socialize, WORK, and to take reasonable precautions with ones own health and the health of others. 
In New York, Cuomo ORDERED nursing homes to take in active COVID patients! And he let the subways continue to run. A shutdown that should have been well-targeted and lasted 2-3 weeks might have been effective, but what was actually done was not, so 1/3 of all US deaths attributed to CV are in New York. 
Time for you to admit that these statewide tyrannical edicts have done more harm than good over huge swaths of the country. I'm simply not buying that "if it saves one life" nonsense. People die. Governors are not gods." Jerry
Jerry  So based on this. "And by the way, I value human life in its entirety-- the freedom to move about, worship, speak, socialize, WORK, and to take reasonable precautions with ones own health and the health of others." 
You are willing to have other people literally die so you can do as you wish? 
And of course lock downs work, as Vietnam proved very well.  We just did not lock down early enough or hard enough... Remember that Trump was denying the need in the end of February, just before it became real to him and he supported the lock downs.
What do you think the states should have done differently that could have saved more lives? Please be specific. (G2A / John)
States could have locked down just long-term-care facilities, perhaps even quarantining employees in place. They could have /suggested/ stay-at-home, masks, social distancing where possible. NYC could have sanitized the subways frequently. They could have NOT criticized Trump for shutting down travel with China and Europe, and NOT shut down medical facilities unnecessarily, and not picked winners and losers in other businesses. They could have had emergency supplies available or at least on order. 
And what makes you think that states "saved more lives" with these drastic measures? Might the opposite be true? Jerry
So here is Jerry's list as I understand:
  1. States could have locked down just long-term-care facilities, perhaps even quarantining employees in place. 
  2. They could have /suggested/ stay-at-home, masks, social distancing where possible. 
  3. NYC could have sanitized the subways frequently. 
  4. They could have NOT criticized Trump for shutting down travel with China and Europe.
  5. They could have NOT shut down medical facilities unnecessarily.
  6. They could have not picked winners and losers in other businesses. 
  7. They could have had emergency supplies available or at least on order.
  8. May we have saved lives today and caused people to have shorter lives?
And my new response to Jerry...
  1. Do you think any of those low dollar workers would be willing to stay away from their life, families, etc for many months?  I mean this proposal does nothing to make the virus go away. And please remember that a LOT of the dead are not in the long term care centers.  
  2. They did "suggest"... In most states no one was being arrested or charged.  Since I work for an essential business I really have not noticed a change and no one has ever asked me why I was out of the house.
  3. Apparently they started sanitizing the subway system on March 3rd. And with the stay home orders ridership decreased by 90%.  They likely could not shut public transportation down since the essential workers needed it. 
  4. Trump's travel restrictions were somewhat useless because he did not follow through. And he did not limit travel from Europe until mid-March.  And by then it was too late, the barn door had been open too long.
  5. I do not think any essential medical facilities or procedures have been shutdown?  What are you thinking of?
  6. How would you have changed the critical industries and personnel definitions?  Are you thinking they should have left the gathering places open?
  7. They apparently did have medical supplies on order for a normal year, and they increased their orders ASAP.  However demand exceed supply and the national stockpile was not adequate and or fully stocked.  
  8. We are having a hard enough time determining how many are dying from what today, (ie covid, depression, scared to go to the hospital, etc)  And you want to try to guess the long term impacts of shut downs?  "Sorry Granny... We chose that you should die instead of stress these other folks out?"
So in summary it seems that your proposal to save lives was that we should have quarantined all the elderly, infirm and their care givers for 6+ months?  And /suggested/ stay-at-home, masks, social distancing where possible.  And let any businesses stay open that wanted to.  Does that seem an accurate summary?  Do you think this would have worked and saved more lives?

Link to an Interesting Detailed Timeline

Why Churches are High Risk?

"So where are the highest risk areas in the community for getting infected? 
"The general theme of what I can see is, lots of people together in an enclosed environment with poor airflow and usually some sort of talking or singing involved leads to lots of people in that environment getting infected," said Bromage, in an interview with ABC News. 
Case studies that traced back COVID-19 outbreaks at the beginning of the pandemic, have found that the main sources of infections in the community lead back to the workplace, public transportation, social gatherings, and restaurants — indoor environments, with limited air circulation, and many people spending a prolonged period of time in the same place."
I mean where do a bunch of people get together in a closed environment and sing?  Church

Before I started wearing my mask more regularly, my method of keeping my germs to myself was to breath through my nose and keep my mouth closed as much as possible.  It seems I was on to something. :-)

And remember... Not wearing a mask in high risk environments may be hurting your neighbor.  Which would be very un-Christian like...

NYT COVID slows, but...

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Solving The Entitlement Problem

Through Natural Selection?  A lot of older Conservatives do not believe that COVID 19 is as transmissible and deadly as the data indicates.  In fact Jerry just compared it to the flu again...

And we know that it is the Old Folk who did not pay enough payroll taxes to keep the SS and Medicare trust funds fully funded through their retirement.  So let's just fully reopen the economy and kill 2 birds with one stone. :-)

Of course based on the numbers below we need about 10 million of the duffers and disabled to volunteer to pass away for the good of the USA's financial situation. :-(  It will be like when tribes used to send the old out to freeze. :-)  Thoughts?

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Fun with Masks.

I forgot mine in my Truck, so I got creative with office supplies. :-)  I have gotten pretty serious about wearing my mask now that I have accepted that it is to protect others from me. No sense making life more difficult for store workers...

Will Trump Tax Returns be Released?

SCOTUS Listening to Arguments (FOX News)
SCOTUS Grills Both Sides (USA Today)
I Have Seen Trump's Taxes and You Should, too (Bloomberg)
Trump's Many Promises to Release Tax  Returns (Politifact)

It still amazes me that the Trump supporters are so scared of what is in Trump's taxes that they are not asking him to honor his commitment.  And yet they seem fine voting for the same guy that they fear is likely hiding some deep and damaging secret.

I am more interested in learning about how he cheated to avoid estate taxes.  Then there are possible bribery charges in his future?  And this guy has created a timeline.   It would be humorous if Trump becomes the first ex-President to end his life in jail.  Maybe he should have just stayed a celebrity...

Monday, May 11, 2020

COVID Deaths per 100K

Which States are Leading and Why?  That question was on my mind, so I made up this informative and puzzling slide.  Thoughts?  Any location related I have missed?

Maybe Liberals are more prone to die from COVID? :-)  I think that would be a correlation vs causation error... :-)

COVID coming to a Neighborhood Near You?

As always, click the image to zoom.

And a map for your convenience... :-)

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

Trump wants Chuck Todd Fired for Misleading Barr Quote

Full Quote:
"Well, history is written by the winner. So it largely depends on who's writing the history. But I think a fair history would say that it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law."
Shortened Quote:
"Well, history is written by the winner. So it largely depends on who's writing the history."
Now the funny part is that NBC has apologized and acknowledged that the full quote should have been used.  How many times have you heard Trump or his Administration apologize for their lies, exaggerations, mis-quotes, etc?  I am not sure I have ever even heard him acknowledge an error?

I mean look at this BIG INTENTIONAL lie by the Trump Campaign...  If Chuck Todd should be fired, then Donald Trump certainly should be fired or worse...

I do wonder what it is like to be Barr and how he rationalizes his choices and actions.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

An Absolute Chaotic Disaster

Republicans Love Actors?

A guest post by Hiram.

Something that is really strange about Republicans is that as critical they are of the media, they seem to actually believe what happens on it is real. They elected Arnold governor of California because on some level, they actually believed he was the terminator. Republicans elected Donald Trump because on some level they believed he was the successful businessman they saw on his tv show.

This makes Republicans different from Democrats. As huge a fan I am and many of us are, of "The West Wing", no Democrat has ever thought Martins Sheen would make a good president just because he played a good president on TV.

I have been thinking a lot about the media and the Republican attitude toward it. It is amazingly ambivalent. As critical as Republicans are of media, it utterly dominates their thinking. Fox News, which is barely a news network at all, plays a huge role role in setting the tone for Republican thinking. But what is even more baffling is that how Republicans, despite their negative attitude toward media, love to take their candidates from it.

Republicans want government run like a business. Far enough, America has many hugely successful businessmen, men and women who built empires that created great wealth, not just for themselves, but also for those who entrusted them with their money. People like Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos.

These guys did amazing things, and if you believed a great businessman has the qualities to be a great president, it would seem natural to choose a candidate among those guys or guys like them. But Republicans didn't do that. Instead they chose as their businessman president, someone who wasn't really a businessman at all. Someone who played a businessman in the media Republicans affect to despise. Someone who has lost far more money in his career than he has ever made for himself.

Why do Republicans think that way? Why do Republicans act that way? I simply do not know.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Do Not Look Behind that Curtain

Trump admin working to hide bad numbers.  And have the politicians write the reopening guidance.

And there is a book coming out about how FOX news is complicit in aiding Trump's misleading of their viewers..  ‘We don’t really believe all this stuff. We just tell other people to believe it.’

I tried to find information on FOX about the federal government's actions to fight the COVID virus and found little.  They are too busy trying to distract people with the Flynn story.  Then again if my administration was in charge of headlines like this I would be trying to distract folks also...
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control said Thursdsay that the death toll in America from coronavirus has risen to 73,297, a jump of almost 2,500 in the past 24 hours." 
Or like this one...
The unemployment rate soared to 14.7 percent in April. 20.5 million job losses recorded — and the real situation is even worse.
Here is an interesting piece regarding what we can expect as we lift the restrictions.  I wonder if Trump and FOX can hide a couple of hundred thousand dead Americans at election time. Or if his voters will let him off the hook for his contribution?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Where is My Double Dip?

Economy in free fall, Why not stocks?

As I have mentioned, I am patiently awaiting my buying opportunity.  Unfortunately it seems that the US Government is working to manipulate the market by spending, borrowing and buying at historic levels.  Now there may be good reasons to do this, however to have it done by the folks who are supposed to be the fiscal conservative and keep government out of my business people is so disheartening. :-(

Well I did sell some stock again at 24,000+ but I am still about 35% in the stock market.  One of my more impulsive decisions was to buy some of a Vanguard Energy Index fund (VDE)... It is at ~33% of its high so I figured why not...

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How High Will Death Toll Go?

FOX: Coronavirus death toll in US projected to double as restrictions ease, key model predicts
Apparently even FOX could not prevent the simple truth that increased social activity means more dead Americans.
Thankfully Menards made me buy and wear a mask while in their store yesterday.  Maybe that will become our new norm to protect store employees.  My previous solution was to just to stay away from people, shop quick, keep my mouth closed and breath through my nose...  But I am fine with the mask, though I really should invest in a cool skull one.
Now I have no problem talking about the trade offs here, but I have little time for those who say there is a "correct answer"...  In no specific order, here are the trade offs I have been discussing lately on FB:
  • Impact on personal freedom (ie enforced stay home orders, must wear masks, must wear gloves, cell phone tracking, etc)
  • Number of citizens that will experience significant illness or a terrible death.
  • Cost in lost revenues and debt incurred by our government. (ie burden on our kids)
  • Number of citizens driven to poverty, depression, hunger, death, etc.
  • Number of citizens to die due to delayed healthcare.
  • Etc
The reality is that there are consequences to every course of action.  The current path has cost America ~$5,000,000,000,000 in borrowing and lost revenues. That means we are spending in excess of $5,000,000 to save each potential victim.  Would you spend that on an 80 year old to give him a new heart?  Or would you send that money elsewhere?  
This is about looking at the data, evaluating the options, making hard decisions and taking hard action.  There is NO GREAT path, just less bad ones.  People will die, money will be spent, debt will be accrued, etc.
Here is an interesting piece regarding how important things did not happen in April.  I mean if you think about it, Trump and crew seemed pretty interested in the economy and assigning blame instead of focusing on the solution.  I wonder if other GOPers will be willing to consider cutting him loose now that his luck has run out?

Monday, May 4, 2020

Whiner in Chief

The Press is SO Mean to me...  (boo hoo hoo...)

Here is a man who lies, exaggerates and/or changes his story often whining that real professional journalists call him out on it.  Unlike many of the Far Right opinion folk who let him get away with it.  My other name for Trump was going to be "Victim in Chief".

Here are more of his thoughts and feelings.  One that frustrates me is his continued call for more spending and a payroll tax holiday.  Doesn't he know that social security and medicare are headed for the rocks?  And he wants to reduce there funding?
"Trump said that while he thought common ground could be found with Democrats over an infrastructure package, “we’re not doing anything unless we get a payroll tax cut. That is so important to the success of our country.”
Here is AP's Fact check of recent Trump Admin comments and claims.  And CNN's Factcheck.  And I would give you FOX's Factcheck, but they simply do not do them on Trump. :-(