Monday, August 31, 2020

Policing and Race

A friend of mine disagrees with my summary at how to fix gaps.
Now I know that many of you want to obsess about Blacks, Racism, etc, but that is NOT a measurable issue.  And we have tons of Native Americans, Hispanics, and even White families that suffer in very similar ways. And after looking into the numbers, the unfortunate reality is that it is likely;that most of the additional police encounters with Black and Hispanic individuals higher likelihood of them being in gangs and involved in crime. And yes there is ; a war going on between the gangs, other gangs and the police, and yes sometimes innocent civilians pay the price. So cut the police a break, while making sure the bad officers are punished.
So I asked him to provided more data and he gave me this. WAPO List of Sources  They will take some time for me to browse so I shared these first thoughts and questions.
I will look further into them. The light skim indicated that they seem to keep making the same error.   They state the sample X is different than sample Y with the assumption that the populations for X and Y are the same. 
When we know that population X on average has far more gang membership, commits more violent crime, has less money, has fewer support systems, etc than population Y.
So of course the sampling should look different. 
And yes police are looking for suspicious situations for whatever reason. (ie old vehicles, gang style dress, loitering, etc) And unfortunately people driving cars that look like they should belong to someone else. It is actually what we expect from them isn't it? 
Or do we want them to err on the side ignoring suspicious or significantly out of the norm situations? 
So what do you think the results of sampling should look like? 
Should White and Black people be pulled of over at the exact same rate? Should they be shot at the same rate? 
If not, how much variation is acceptable within "non-racist" action? 
One more factor that could impact the numbers. Unfortunately the poor neighborhoods with more crime have a larger police presence. 
A large police presence means everyone is watched more. Meaning any suspicious behavior / situation may be checked on. 
In my neighborhood, sometimes people to close their garage doors and we never have the police check. They simple are almost never have a reason to be in our neighborhood. 
Now is more police density a race issue or a crime likelihood issue? 
Reducing the MPLS police by 50% would likely reduce the number of minority stops / arrests. Would that be a good or a bad thing for those communities?

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump Incites Violence

For political gain.  It is so sad how terrible Trump is, he will literally do anything to sew division if he thinks it will get him re-elected.  He is actively promoting conspiracy themes and escalating the problem.

I can not believe people are still gullible or self centered enough to fall for his lies and manipulation after almost 4 years.  :-(   I mean the spineless manipulator will not even disavow QAnon.

Thursday, August 27, 2020


FB has been strange lately.  On on side I am defending people who say Black Lives Matter and on the other I am people who are arguing that Police Lives Matter.  Like these concepts are in someway mutually exclusive...  His the first...
The BLM folks want to be listened to and supported.  The puzzle to me is why are so many GOPers so emotionally vested in denying them this simple request. Imagine those who go out of the way to tear down other people's signs. 
It reminds me of the Right's "Unborn Lives Matter" slogan. Would they be happy if the response was "All Lives Matter"?  And if "All Lives Matter", why are the GOPers so reluctant to ensure that all children/women get excellent pre-natal healthcare, children get excellent healthcare and early childhood education, etc. 
My usual answers is that many "Pro-Lifers" only care about babies /lives until they pass the cervix. Then they are someone else's problem. 🙁 
I am sure that all of us agree that All Lives Matter... That does not mean that Black Lives Matter is incorrect.  If I say that your children's lives matter. Is that incorrect? Is it in any way harmful?
And here is the second regarding the Jacob Blake shooting.
It is a fascinating issue / case...
  1. Police called to a dispute and start asking questions.
  2. Jacob refuses to stay and answer questions. Which makes sense since he has a warrant out for his arrest.
  3. He walks to his car apparently carrying a knife.
  4. While the police are telling him to stop with their guns drawn.  Apparently they even tasered him?
  5. He rapidly reaches into his car. (maybe hiding the knife?)
  6. Police shoot as he begins to turn around.
The question I have is what are police supposed to do when a person of interest refuses to cooperate? I mean folks don't want the police tackling them...  One Liberal said they should have taken down his license plate and let him drive away which makes no sense to me.  Thoughts? 
I don't have any idea if the right choice was made by the officer or not... But hopefully the investigation will be thorough and fact based. Not driven by a political / social witch hunt... 
I just looked at the map... The city is right between Milwaukee / Racine Wisc and Chicago IL... I am assuming the riots will only intensify unless the National Guard and State Police can quite literally crush them. 🙁 Hopefully it happens tonight.
This definitely a complicated time and here are my thoughts in no particular order.
  • Jacob did have an arrest warrant out for him and a criminal history.  Likely why he wanted to flee the scene with his knife. I am not justifying his shooting, just noting that he was no angelic Father.  
  • Another recent piece of news is that it turns out that George Floyd may have over dosed on fentanyl. Which does not let the officer off the hook, since he should have treated him like a patient much sooner than he did.  However don't the Liberals get tired of destroying property in the name of drug addicts, sexual abusers, etc?
  • When are people going to let the cameras and system work?
  • When are the DEMs going to get serious about stopping the arson, rioting and looting aggressively?  I told a Liberal friend that it would be ironic if Trump is re-elected because he was trying to protect criminals... I doubt if he found it amusing.
Oh well, Thoughts?  Here are some related past links.
G2A The Poor Kids are Screwed :-(
G2A How to Fix the Gaps?
G2A Time of Fear and Contempt

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

RNC Night One Fact Checking

I knew it would be bad given the speakers...  But come on people...

Fact Check one
Fact Check two
Fact Check three
Fact Check four

Made it makes his supporters happy to be blatantly lied to?

I liked this headline best... :-)
If the case for Trump is strong, why isn't the truth good enough?

Monday, August 24, 2020

GOP Recycle 2016 Platform

And swears to support Trump Agenda. (below)
GOP 2016 & now 2020 Platform

Yes it is official...  The GOP is DEAD, it is now the party of Trump...  May it Rest in Peace and be buried in November...

I thought about going through all of the points, but decided it was a waste of time.  It is for the most part Trump saying everything that he thinks will get him votes. Even though unless some miracle occurs and the GOP takes the House back, he does not have a snow balls chance in hell of getting anything passed except spending increases that will bloat the National Debt even more.

  • Create 10 Million New Jobs in 10 Months
  • Create 1 Million New Small Businesses
  • Cut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in America
  • Enact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs
  • "Made in America" Tax Credits
  • Expand Opportunity Zones
  • Continue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy Independence
  • Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020
  • Return to Normal in 2021
  • Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United States
  • Refill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future Pandemics
  • Bring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from China
  • Tax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from China
  • Allow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United States
  • No Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to China
  • Hold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the World
  • Cut Prescription Drug Prices
  • Put Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare System
  • Lower Healthcare Insurance Premiums
  • End Surprise Billing
  • Cover All Pre-Existing Conditions
  • Protect Social Security and Medicare
  • Protect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and Services
  • Provide School Choice to Every Child in America
  • Teach American Exceptionalism
  • Pass Congressional Term Limits
  • End Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small Businesses
  • Expose Washington’s Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and States
  • Drain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American Citizens
  • Fully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement Officers
  • Increase Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement Officers
  • Prosecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic Terrorism
  • Bring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to Justice
  • End Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until Trial
  • Block Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College Tuition
  • Mandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang Members
  • Dismantle Human Trafficking Networks
  • End Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our Families
  • Prohibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign Workers
  • Require New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves Financially
  • Launch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to Mars
  • Build the World’s Greatest Infrastructure System
  • Win the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet Network
  • Continue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest Air
  • Partner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet’s Oceans
  • Stop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops Home
  • Get Allies to Pay their Fair Share
  • Maintain and Expand America’s Unrivaled Military Strength
  • Wipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm Americans
  • Build a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense System

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Trump to Deny Reality and Blame others

After Another Week of Setbacks, Trump Looks to Change the Story Line NYT

And apparently the GOP will let him.

Even though Trump's sister says he can not be trusted.

David Brooks said something very interesting the other day. He noted that this will be a very different convention when Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, President Bush, Colin Powell, etc and other life long Republican Leaders are not invited and would not come if they were.

And apparently few are in the know abut what is coming...  Definitely a small tent party lately.

It will be interesting to see if all this lying, cozying up with whackos, deflecting blame to others, etc has consequences in November?

And I am curious what the FAR RIGHT FOX loving crowd would take as the lesson if they lose the Presidency, House and Senate? 

Would they accept that moderation, truth, science, transparency, etc was required to win elections?

Or will they double down on the crazy stuff?  Unfortunately this is probably the one...

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


I love when data supports science and common sense. :-)
(tap to enlarge)

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Far Right Whining

I am not sure if I am more disappointed that one of my FB Friends copied and reposted this drivel, that 27 of her friends liked it or that there are so many whiny Americans on both the Right and Left?

I comments are in Blue.

I need to rant for just a moment. I am 49 years old. I’ve worked hard all my life. I made my reputation, the good and the bad, I didn't inherit my job or my income, and I have worked hard to get where I am in life. I have juggled my career, my family, and made many sacrifices to secure a life for my family.  It is great that they made good on the benefits that America, their community, their parent(s), their parents connections, their school, their teachers, their church, etc provided them with.  I asked how fortunate they were and got ZERO responses. 

It wasn’t always easy and still isn't, but I did it all, while maintaining my integrity and my principles. I’ve never put anyone beneath myself or denied help to anyone. I have friends of every walk of life and if you’re in my circle, it should be understood that I don’t have to remind you of what I’d be willing to do for you.  I find ironic how they praise their virtues... "never put anyone beneath myself or denied help to anyone"  While complaining and insulting pretty much everyone who disagrees with them, and saying how they do not want to help other people.

However, I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my work ethic. People who have sacrificed nothing and feel entitled to receive everything.  Again with the I earned everything through my efforts alone and "THEY ALL" are lazy bums. 

I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it themselves.  Again with the I earned everything through my efforts alone and "THEY ALL" are lazy bums. 

I'm tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which, no one is allowed to debate.  This America BY God, we have debate Climate Change Over and Over and Over...  Just because one does not like the answer does not mean they were not free to debate the topic.  The good news is that reality comes no matter how much people choose to deny it. :-)

I'm tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talk like their opinions matter to the common man. I’m tired of any of them even pretending they can relate to the life and bank account that I have.  Do you think these folks started out as rich wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians?  I am betting that many of them started out poor or middle class, especially the athletes.  And likely faced far more adversity than the person writing the piece.  And then there is Trump who was born with a silver spoon ... And yet I am sure they worship his "talk"...  It is not about wealth or fame...  It is about Freedom of Speech and the writer not wanting to hear opposing positions.

I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.  Something I can agree with, though I would add rich, poor or middle class... [ie balance the fricking budget] :-)

I’m upset that I’m labeled as a racist because I am proud of my faith and trust in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  What in the world ???  I don't even understand that leap.  Maybe... You may be a racist if you look down on, judge or try to interfere with people who have a different or no religion?  Or work to prevent them from entering our country where Freedom of Religion is encourage and protected?  But as a Christian, I have no problem with other Christians being proud of their faith and trusting in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  Just don't judge me for having a different interpretation of the Bible.

And for those afraid of COVID-19 killing you, understand God has a date for you to meet Him regardless of any diseases that could affect you. So if COVID is making you afraid to get out and enjoy spreading the Gospel of Jesus maybe you should "Have a little talk with Jesus " because at some point in time you will, maybe now would be the best time to do that!  Another STUPID concept, the God I believe does not intend for me to take unnecessary risks with my life or that of others. And 2 Boats and a helicopter.  He gave us free will to do good and hopefully avoid evil / stupidity.  I am just waiting for these "anti-maskers" to get to heaven's gates and be refused admission because they put other people's lives at risk or contributed to their death.  Just because they did not want to social distance or wear a mask.  I personally have no COVID, but I certainly fear for the elderly and/or infirm citizens.

I’m tired of being told I need to accept the latest fad or politically correct stupidity or befriend group that’s intent in killing me because I won’t convert to their point of view.  Again... This person is SO PARANOID.  Who is trying to kill them for not joining a club?  I must have missed that "White Middle Class" person lynching spree on the news. :-) 

I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. Especially the ones that want me to fund it. I'm tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination, or big-whatever for their problems. I do agree that something needs to change.  How to help kids and hold irresponsible adult(s) accountable for improving their lives?  But remember paragraph one...  "never put anyone beneath myself or denied help to anyone"

Yes, I'm really tired. But, I'm also glad to be in the second half of my life. Because, mostly, I'm not going to have to see the world these people are creating. I thank God I'm on the way out and not on the way in. I HATE the fact that my children and grandchildren are having to face this screwed up world. I want them to grow up understanding their freedoms of living in America, have respect for authority and the older generation who risked or sacrificed their lives to give us the rights we currently have in America.   Talking about a major league whiner...  The biggest problems our country is facing is a MASSIVE NATIONAL DEBT and possibly climate change.  Which ironically were both caused by my and older generations.  I don't see anyone threatening the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc...  Of course, one may need to sell cup cakes to a LGBT couple, but get over it. 

Any individual is not entitled to anything. You have a choice to work, a choice to stay off drugs, a choice to make something of yourself. I have nothing to do with your choices. That's all on you. You are entitled to what you earn. I do believe that adults are responsible for their choices.  However it would be incredibly naive to claim that our society / government does not influence the choices that are made by individuals. Just look at the mortgage interest deduction, welfare programs, how we fund and manage schools, how we enforce laws, etc. That is why the Left and Right argue so aggressively for their policies.

There is no way these thoughts will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! Surely, the politically correct police censors will try to quiet us.  And here is the "we are so censored pitch" of the American Victim.  And which no censor cares about this piece..


A Twist on Cake Baking

An LGBT experience...  This is an interesting read.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Twist on Mask Mandates

This Idiot says NO Masks.  Not for deputies, office workers or visitors?

I am assuming the county's Lawyer in charge of lawsuits may have something to say about this pretty quickly. :-)  Imagine if a covid outbreak occurs and the "county" has forbidden people from wearing CDC recommended protective gear...  Especially when the city now requires it...  The jury is going to call for a huge settlement.

What are these anti-mask idiots thinking?  Here is pretty cool video that shows how masks prevent you from spitting your germs all over the place...

I keep thinking that these stubborn folks will expect the surgical team working on them to wear masks to prevent themselves from getting infected by the staff.  And yet they have no problem letting every other possible COVID carrier breathe all over them and their stuff.

Oh well...  Sometimes common sense is not so common...

The first comic reminded me about the Christian who died and the Angel told him God had provided 3 things to save him that he was too dumb/stubborn to use.  The second comic just seems true based on the exchanges I have had with anti-mask folks.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Abusive Trump or Creepy Joe?

I think I lost some more sensitive FB friends.  It was so surreal, one of my female HS class mates posted a Trump video that showed the many times that Biden touched women, girls, etc.  From just touching their head, straightening their hair, and even touching a little side boob on purpose or by accident.  Most of them were when everyone was scrunching together for a photo...

And you will not believe what these Pro-Trump ladies had to say about creepy Joe...  One would think that he was a convicted pedophile...

So in my continual effort to keep folks honest...  I noted that:
Amazingly or not it seems that I am no longer welcome in that dialogue.

So... What is happening to our country where citizens seem happy to attack others and then hide behind...  I am free to have my opinion?  Even when that opinion defies science, is easily proven incorrect or as in this case...  Is just plain old hypocritical?

To my friends who stick with me even though I challenge / question your posts.  Thank you for avoiding being sucked into echo chambers where everyone agrees with you.

By the way, I would leave my young adult daughters alone with Biden long before letting them anywhere near Trump... :-)

Monday, August 10, 2020

When Your Spouse Dies

Who Will you Blame?  The Hill
Juan Williams believes Older voters won't forgive Trump for COVID...
It makes sense to me that a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE are going to be angry with Trump for his mishandling of COVID.  Let's say that ~200,000 citizens are dead by then, and most of them are 60 or older.
That means there are going to be a LOT of spouses, children and friends who will likely be in mourning and angry.  It will be interesting to see who they decide to hold accountable for their loss?

Friday, August 7, 2020


Let's compare...  So Laurie and Moose are trying use Happiness as an argument for adopting Liberal government.  I am not convinced the "causality" is there.
"USA is 19th in the world happiness report. Nearly all the countries of Europe score higher than we do." Laurie and Moose
Here are my random thoughts:
  • It seems to me that the happiest people live in TINY Countries up North (kind of like if MN was a country)
  • If Dem Socialism works, why is France, Spain, Italy lower on the list.
  • The USA is the #1 happiest of the BIG Complicated Countries.  I mean even the UK and Germany are relatively small and simple.
  • I think they should compile the number for the EU....  Then we would have an apples to apples comparison.
So does this mean that we have the BEST form of government?
I think so... :-)   God Bless America !!!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

The GOP's Decline?

An interesting perspective by a long time political operative. The Atlantic

Here were their final thoughts:
"A reshaped GOP would be very conservative, but not radical. 
It would believe in limited government, but a government run by professionals, respecting data and science, and operating efficiently and fairly. It would believe in genuine fiscal discipline. 
It would try to apply free-market approaches to solving difficult problems, such as climate change. It would believe in the integrity of institutions and insist that those in office adhere to high ethical standards. 
It would respect the sanctity of alliances and the fundamental values of decency and equal treatment. 
It would work to broaden its base across racial and ethnic lines, not use division and voter suppression to cling to power. 
Sadly, even if Donald Trump is defeated in November, there is no sign that such a party will return anytime soon. But restoring the Republican Party to its traditional values is absolutely essential to preserve the core of our system of governance."
Personally I think the Trump Supporters are weakening the GOP, but only time will tell. Since both polarized end of the citizenry seem obsessed with their own brand of extremism. :-(

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

A Box with Your Name On It

Apparently we may not only end up in a refrigerated trailer, but in a cardboard box in a refrigerated trailer. (or in a conference room)

One death every 80 seconds: The grim new toll of COVID-19 in America

The sadly humorous thing about this post is that I was trying to search for HEAD Brand cardboard coffins...  It turns out the HEAD is where the HEAD goes...  And I love the label on the side of the box. "HANDLE WITH EXTREME CARE" !!!  As if the person in the box will notice. :-( :-)

No Smoking Allowed

Near the Fertilizer...  I wonder how many piles we have in our home towns...

"According to Lebanon's Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, exploded on Tuesday. Ammonium nitrate is a highly explosive material used in fertilizers.

The explosion killed dozens, injured thousands and blew out windows in buildings across Lebanon's capital city."

Remember what happen to the OKC Federal Building and that was just one truck full.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Mail In Voting is Good in FL

Or so Trump says... And why does that self serving idiot think that?
"Florida's got a great Republican governor. And it had a great Republican governor," Trump said, citing Ron DeSantis (R) and Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.). "Two great governors. And over a long period of time they've been able to get the absentee ballots done extremely professionally."
now why would that weasel flip flop?
"Polls show a growing skepticism of vote-by-mail among Republicans, and in several key states, including Florida, more Democrats than Republicans have requested to vote absentee in November. 
Biden is leading Trump in Florida by a little over 6 percentage points in the RealClearPolitics average of polls."
I rarely let Trump's self serving manipulation bother me, but his attacking mail in vote accuracy and reliability is SO DANGEROUS for citizens and our country.  How can people still believe anything he says?

Monday, August 3, 2020

Trump Show Grows Tired

by Juan Williams is Excellent.

"But if pop culture celebrity is a winning hand, it is also a fact that Americans do not like reruns.

And in every episode of the Trump Show, the script uses the same schtick to hold the audience.

Trump's favorite schtick is making himself the hero. He alone can save America from - well, take your pick:

Remember when Trump promoted himself as the only man willing to imply the first black president was a fake because he was not born in the U.S.? It wasn't true. But in the Trump Show, only ratings matter.

Remember when he came down the golden escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for the White House was to protect the nation from criminal, rapist Mexicans threatening the American way of life? It wasn't true. But it got ratings.

Remember the call to "lock her up," because Hillary Clinton's email server was somehow a threat to national security? Again, not true but it got some votes.

At some point, this act gets tired."

Sunday, August 2, 2020

School Autonomy

Trump gets an education in the art of reversal

I found the following quote very accurate... Since Trump flip flops like a landed bass.

"“Whatever he says today he will change tomorrow, and he’s going to pretend like whatever he just said he never said,” National Education Association President Lily Eskelsen García said. “What he says and what he does are two different things. We look at what he does.”"

Now for my usual venting regarding the inconsistency of the Republican party membership.  They would have FREAKED OUT if the Feds / Obama had thought about ordering their states and local school districts around.  And yet they seem just fine with Trump trying to do it.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Bailouts vs Welfare

As Congress struggles with what to do, my liberal FB friends continue to argue what is the correct path?

They of course seem to think that the US should keep borrowing money and writing checks to everyone who is unemployed. 

Whereas I think that we maintain a welfare system for a reason.  And it should be used to help anyone who does not have adequate resources in these times of need.

I don't think that our children should have to bear the burden of supplementing the incomes of people who do not need assistance, or who chose to live above their means and did not maintain a rainy day fund.

I am not sure where this idea got started that the Federal Government is a BIG Piggy Bank meant to eliminate the pains caused in a world full of ups and downs?