Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Twist on Mask Mandates

This Idiot says NO Masks.  Not for deputies, office workers or visitors?

I am assuming the county's Lawyer in charge of lawsuits may have something to say about this pretty quickly. :-)  Imagine if a covid outbreak occurs and the "county" has forbidden people from wearing CDC recommended protective gear...  Especially when the city now requires it...  The jury is going to call for a huge settlement.

What are these anti-mask idiots thinking?  Here is pretty cool video that shows how masks prevent you from spitting your germs all over the place...

I keep thinking that these stubborn folks will expect the surgical team working on them to wear masks to prevent themselves from getting infected by the staff.  And yet they have no problem letting every other possible COVID carrier breathe all over them and their stuff.

Oh well...  Sometimes common sense is not so common...

The first comic reminded me about the Christian who died and the Angel told him God had provided 3 things to save him that he was too dumb/stubborn to use.  The second comic just seems true based on the exchanges I have had with anti-mask folks.


John said...

Here is the joke I refer to in the post

Or at least one version of it.

Anonymous said...

It's a quirk of psychology. In any situation, a certain number of individuals will reject safety measures. I don't know why this is, I certainly don't know the cause of it but it always, always happens.


John said...

It must be that Immortal God complex...

And I am fine with people doing stupid things that may kill or harm themselves...

Lord knows I have done them often.

But in this case it is like smoking in a crowd, texting while driving, drinking and driving, etc...

Their poor choice may kill someone else. Not acceptable.

Just like a Doctor or Nurse who decided they did not need to wear a mask during surgery.

Anonymous said...

I think of it as a form of death wish, but I am just engaging in cheap psychologizing. But we see it all the time.

You know there is a certain heroism to this. Consider Herman Cain. Here was a man who was willing to risk a horrible death in order to stand up for the right and the freedom not to wear a mask at a political rally. Doesn't his example inspire us all in a way?


John said...

Yes, sometimes the person who fights for "their freedom to text / drink and drive" is the one who pays the consequences.

To bad karma is not more reliable... :-(

jerrye92002 said...

You DO know that in Minnesota it is illegal to wear a face mask, do you not?

Anonymous said...

Have You Seen This?


John said...

Thankfully they have the medical treatment exception.

Is that the best you have left? :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes the person who fights for "their freedom to text / drink and drive" is the one who pays the consequences.

I just think of all those folks who are willing to sacrifice their sacred freedoms, who given into tyranny and wear a mask. Sure they might survive where Herman Cain did not. But at what cost? How can they live with themselves, knowing that other men braver men were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice so that future generations could go maskless.

Just as it says on those license plates in New Hampshire, in America we must eitherlive free or die.


jerrye92002 said...

"incidental to medical treatment" is NOT "imperially commanded universal medical precaution."

And Moose, you need to vary your sources. Other studies say "excess deaths" have fallen within the margin of error.

John said...

Well you should try to make a citizen's arrest... I am sure it would end well. :-)

"Other Studies" is a cop out as usual... Sources please.

Anonymous said...

"Other studies say "excess deaths" have fallen within the margin of error."

Seems to be lacking a citation.
