Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Who Cares About the Kids?

 Enabling their poor treatment is a terrible thing. My FB comments and questions regarding the George Floyd prayer post were not well received, a couple of folks there are adamant that racism is the primary causal factor for the issues that many minorities face today.  Here is how I responded.

Since I know nothing will sway you from your perceptions of reality, and I will be deemed the "racesplainer" no matter what, so let's try this a different way...

  • How do you want to end the injustice?
  • How do you want to end generational poverty?
  • How do you want to repair broken families?
  • How do you want to end high rates of gang membership?
  • How do you want to pressure all parent(s) to prioritize academics for their children?

The war on poverty and the war on drugs brought us these unintended consequences. What have we learned from the last 50 years?

I have strong beliefs, the question is anyone willing to put kids first? 🙂

Then I got asked the question... "Do you think we do not care about children?"  At which time I said I would exit their comment string and discuss it elsewhere, since I sensed things would go down hill quickly from there.  I invited them to join me here or on FB if they wanted to continue.

So here is my answer to that question:

  • I think everybody cares about children, puppies, kitties, etc.  How could anyone not?
  • However many parent(s) who are allowed to take their baby home would not pass the screening to adopt a puppy, much less a child.  And yet enablers fight so that adult(s) can take home as many children as they choose to make, and they fight to give them money to support their irresponsible choices.
  • Then there are the "pro-life" hypocrites who say they care for the fetus, while fighting against birth control, first tri abortion, early childhood education funding, pre-natal and child healthcare services, parent training requirements, etc.
  • And let's not forget the pro-union folks who fight to protect questionable employees while securing higher compensation based on years instead of results. 

Now are the Liberals demanding that adult(s):

  • people only have the number of kids they can care for well?
  • ensure their children are ready for kindergarten?
  • ensure their children are fed, clean, go to school, do their homework, etc?
  • ensure the children do not join a gang?
  • the child is raised well with every chance to succeed?

No...  They are protesting because a gentlemen who was likely high on fentanyl died while an officer had him restrained.  Which I acknowledge as bad, unacceptable, etc, but where are their protests for all the millions of children who are being raised in households that should not have a dog, much less a child(ren)?

When the requirements and oversight for being allowed to bring a child home are as stringent as being allowed to drive a car on our roads, then I will think that we truly care for kids.  Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

I read a comment, the other day, from a Republican congresswoman to the effect that Democrats did not care about children. That made me wonder about the state of our politics and our national politics that could prompt such a comment, even make it acceptable. Of course we care about children. Of course our political adversaries care about children. Both siderism isn't my favorite things, but in this context neither side is comprised of monsters. Mostly, I suppose.

I wonder if that Congresswoman was really serious about what she said. One of Trump's attorneys recently said that the statements she made during the aftermath of the election were so much legal posturing, that they were not intended to be belived and indeed weren't reasonably believable. How much of that goes on? Turns out the news isn't fake, rather it's what we say about the news is what is fake.


John said...

As noted in the post, caring often is not the problem...

Remember the relevant saying...

"The Path to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions !!!"