Sunday, October 24, 2021

A Land of Free Choice

Vaccine Shot or Pink Slip.  My employer falls under the federal mandate, so it will be interesting to see what my vaccine reluctant co-workers choose?


Anonymous said...

Depends a lot on how they choose to frame the issue.


John said...

Please expand on that.

Anonymous said...

People want to separate health care policy from individual vaccinations. You hear it when people say, I am not anti vax, I am anti mandate.

This is a style of argument that people make a lot. What happens is people are whipsawed between the general and specific. Does it make sense in this case? Should vaccines have their own policy? Or is vaccine policy part of a general policy in dealing with the pandemic?


John said...

Well in this case they made it pretty simple.

If you want to keep getting a pay check, go get the shot(s).

Anonymous said...

When people talk about force, I always think about Malcolm McDowell forced to watch violent movies in "The Clockwork Orange". I don't think that happens much in real life, however.


John said...


Most of us choose our lives...

Often though many people insist that they "were forced" into their current circumstances. (ie victims)

Anonymous said...

I think of politicians who defend bad decisions they make by claiming they had no choice.
