Religious school bans gay step Father from campus.
Vouchers have got be one of the WORST things for our society. These folks take our tax dollars and turn away students that are different or challenged.
As I have said before, if you support competition... You should support all schools being required to accept all students. If not, you are just supporting discrinination, hate and cherry picking.
1 comment:
I find a little amusing that if the Christian schools can keep out "the sinners"... Then I suppose so can the Jewish schools and the Islamic schools...
Who would have thought the Far Right would be happy sending their tax dollars to help educate Islamic and Jewish children within their faith... 😮 🙂
Maybe the LGBT folks will need to start schools and kick out the intolerant bigoted Christians... 😮 😮 Oh my that would be amusing !!!!
Of course, the sad part is that this stupidity just reinforces intolerance, polarization and hate... 🙁
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