COVID is still deadlier. And they both mostly kill older people.
So though my stubborn parents deny this, I got my immunizations Friday in part to help protect them.
And other than a couple of needle sticks, it did not hurt a bit...
Raising social involvement, self awareness and self improvement topics, because our communities are the sum of our personal beliefs, behaviors, action or inaction. Only "we" can improve our family, work place, school, city, country, etc.
COVID is still deadlier. And they both mostly kill older people.
So though my stubborn parents deny this, I got my immunizations Friday in part to help protect them.
And other than a couple of needle sticks, it did not hurt a bit...
I am disturbed by the idea that's going around that because we are learning more about covid now, people who didn't have that information at the time of the pandemic, were lying. Lots of things I say are based on inadequate or incomplete information. They maybe contradicted by things we learn in the future. But that doesn't mean I am lying about them now. The fact is I think it is unlikely that any position I take now on any controversial or complex issue will later be proven one hundred percent correct. That just doesn't mean I am lying, but it does suggest I am human.
I just got concerned when my 83 year old parents started comparing it to the common cold. :-O
They had gotten vaccinated initially.
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