Sunday, December 1, 2024

RDale Budgeting SNAFU

This is definitely NOT acceptable.  The district has apparently had a string of personnel changes and scandals, and the Board seens to be somewhat clueless.

I am encouraging my kids to take the grandkid to a wealthier district with less diversity and poverty.

Remember that in a class of 30 kids... Maybe 6 kids are struggling with big life problems in Wayzata and 24 kids are there to help.  Where as in RDale, more than 15 are struggling and less than 15 are trying to survive the chaos created by the majority.

It definitely did not help when the "equality police" said that punishment and academic options must be equal by race, regardless of behaviors or capabilities. :-O


Anonymous said...

So you're a grandpa now. How many grandkids do you have and how old? I have one married kid, but no grandkids yet. I agree that a public school with a less at risk student population would likely result in a better education (for all the students in the school.) The charter school where I work currently has not that much misbehavior but very low test scores. There is not nearly enough small group intervention in math and reading for all the students who need it.


John said...

My 29 year old daughter has an ~18 month boy. :-)

My wife and I were talking about the MASSIVE variation of the capabilities and support systems of the kids in a kindergarten class. Some can read, some can barely identify letters, some can sit and follow basic directions and some have sever issues and hit other kids with staplers... :-O

John said...

Jerry recommended vouchers on the US Priorities post.

How much does it cost to help a child with little support at home?

Anonymous said...

I wondered if Jerry was still around sometimes. I think you both underestimate how some students will do poorly no matter how much support they get. Some students make very (very) slow progress in their reading and math skills.


John said...

I just told him the same thing...

At least you have not changed your story... Which has always been incorrect...

Actual cost varies by much more than just age, district and special need.

Are you ready to tell me about your "miracle" school that does great for little money?