Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump Incites Violence

For political gain.  It is so sad how terrible Trump is, he will literally do anything to sew division if he thinks it will get him re-elected.  He is actively promoting conspiracy themes and escalating the problem.

I can not believe people are still gullible or self centered enough to fall for his lies and manipulation after almost 4 years.  :-(   I mean the spineless manipulator will not even disavow QAnon.


Anonymous said...

Trump's divisiveness is setting the stage for violence. He has been playing with matches for a while now and we are all now at risk of being burned.

Every campaign season, Republicans fabricate a threat for all of us to be terrified of. Two years ago it was the caravans of womens and children approaching the border. That was a big mistake because people just aren't that cared of women and children even the ones who come from Honduras.

This time around, Republicans are ramping things up quite a bit. This time the threat is of a second civil war. In Portland of all places.


John said...

Oregon must have a nice mix of crazies that make it such a hot spot.

Anonymous said...

I am sure lots of crazy people do live in Portland, people who are vulnerable to Trump's provocations. I am sure Portland wasn't easy to find for Trump.


John said...

I am sure lots of crazy people do live in Portland, people who are vulnerable to BLM's and the Left's provocations.

John said...

I usually appreciate the perspectives of Juan Williams