Monday, August 3, 2020

Trump Show Grows Tired

by Juan Williams is Excellent.

"But if pop culture celebrity is a winning hand, it is also a fact that Americans do not like reruns.

And in every episode of the Trump Show, the script uses the same schtick to hold the audience.

Trump's favorite schtick is making himself the hero. He alone can save America from - well, take your pick:

Remember when Trump promoted himself as the only man willing to imply the first black president was a fake because he was not born in the U.S.? It wasn't true. But in the Trump Show, only ratings matter.

Remember when he came down the golden escalator in Trump Tower to announce his run for the White House was to protect the nation from criminal, rapist Mexicans threatening the American way of life? It wasn't true. But it got ratings.

Remember the call to "lock her up," because Hillary Clinton's email server was somehow a threat to national security? Again, not true but it got some votes.

At some point, this act gets tired."

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