Thursday, October 3, 2019

Our White Male Courts

VOX The absurd whiteness of America’s court system, in 2 charts: America was making real progress on judicial diversity. Then Trump happened.

Maybe GOP Presidents are highly racist?
Or they only associate with other White Make Lawyers?


Anonymous said...

The problem with courts is that they will be Republican and partisan for the foreseeable future, quite probably for the rest of my life. What has to happen is that their power of judicial review of legislation must be taken away. I actually hope Trump will do that. I thought for a moment he would over the issue of the census question.


John said...

How exactly do you determine if a court is:
- Republican and partisan?
- Democratic and partisan?
- Non-partisan and Law Abiding

I amazes me that both tribes see anything they disagree with as "partisan" and everything they agree with as "non-partisan"... :-)

Anonymous said...

I couldn’t really say why GOP presidents pick white males. The only thing that came to mind is that GOP presidents will pick Conservative judges with traditional values and they tend to be white males. POC and females are more likely to be progressive or liberal so if they become judges that would be the pool that Democratic Presidents would pick from.

John said...

Could be... But I find that people like to hire employees like themselves...

Especially if they see no personal benefit to having diversity in skin color, sex, perspectives, etc,

My teams operate much more smoothly when the members are like me... However I realize that I need different perspectives, strengths, methods, etc if I want an excellent team and results.

Anonymous said...

How do I determine if a court is partisan?

If it's members are chosen from a list provided by partisans.

It became clear to me that the Supreme Court was overstepping it's authority when it started making 21st century health care policy. At that point, it was clear to me that Supreme Court rulings with respect to legislation should be advisory only.


Anonymous said...

I couldn’t really say why GOP presidents pick white males.

Old white males are their base.


John said...

What about when SCOTUS gave the LGBT citizens the right to marry... Partisan or just?

Good point on the old white male base...

Anonymous said...

What about when SCOTUS gave the LGBT citizens the right to marry... Partisan or just.

Anyone who wants to see the right to marry as a partisan issue certainly can make a sound argument for it.

I think it's regrettable that the Supreme Court has overstepped it's bounds. But it has, and it's vitally necessary for our system of checks and balances to respond.


John said...

What other rulings do you think were partisan?

Please remember that SCOTUS was somewhat Left Leaning until recently.

And pendulums go back and forth over the decades...

Anonymous said...

What other rulings do you think were partisan?

Health care rulings, and the Muslim ban. Various anti union rulings. Republicans wanted control of federal courts and now they have it. It's why they were so panicked over the census citizenship question and Trump's possible rejection of it. Republicans know if Trump actually does a violate a federal court ruling with impunity, that's the end of the power of the federal judiciary which they worked so hard to obtain for their own purposes.
