Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What about Private Devices being AWFUL?

WAPO Clinton-email critics pull a role reversal as Trump administration draws fire for private phone use

I am always amazed how hypocritical GOP politicians can be...

HP Man Obsessed With Hillary Clinton’s Private Server Hid Documents On A Secret System

Is it okay for GOP politicians to use unsecured devices and to hide their data from us citizens?


Anonymous said...

Hypocrisy just doesn't matter to conservatives or Republicans. That's what makes their constant charges of hypocrisy such a useful weapon against others. They are personally invulnerable to accusations of hypocrisy so they can't be turned against them.


John said...

That does seem to be very true and may make for an excellent future post.

I mean they say:

-that personal freedoms are good and government over reach is bad while trying limit the rights of mothers, LGBT citizens, exotic dancers, pot smokers, etc.

- that deficits are bad and that a balanced budget is good while cutting taxes and increasing spending.

- the life of a fetus / baby is very important while fighting against aid and protections for infants, toddlers, etc.

I am not sure how they square all this in their heads?

Probably like how the DEMs square:

- we need to take care of our poor citizens and workers while bringing millions of asylum seekers and refugees in to take their jobs.

Anonymous said...

"- we need to take care of our poor citizens and workers while bringing millions of asylum seekers and refugees in"

These aren't dissonant positions, as it is possible to do both.


John said...

Not really. That is unless you forcefully take money from a third party to make it work.

Our national work load can only justify paying a "livable wage" for so many people of limited capabilities....

Whenever we get many more limited capability people in the country, the wages are driven down through normal market forces.

And all workers in that category suffer.