Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Buck Stops Anywhere but HERE

'I don't take responsibility at all'  (Trump)

That pretty well sums Trump up when things go poorly. :-)

By his own words, he is a TERRIBLE leader... (see below)

Some more fact checking.


Anonymous said...

It is classic Republicanism, however. Republicans love to shift the burden of stuff on to someone else. Let the states do it, or let the market do it, or maybe the tooth fairy will help out. I also get a kick out of the "regulations made me not do it" excuse. So many people seem to find so many reasons for not doing right things these days.


John said...

Do you never get tired of stereotyping huge swaths of the US public?

It is about as useful as me saying that DEMs believe that citizens, local government and state government are helpless without federal money, regulations and control....

Hey you be on to something...😁

Anonymous said...

It is about as useful as me saying that DEMs believe that citizens, local government and state government are helpless without federal money, regulations and control...

Not the way I would put it, necessarily, but that's the difference. I don't think state and local governments are helpless, but I do think they can use help on occasion. And it's never the case that the federal government can relieve itself of it's own responsibility by helping states.


John said...

What do you think are the responsibilities of the:

Federal government?


State government?



I am pretty sure that is where our views differ.

Please remember the all the funding comes from the citizens, so it is not a money thing.