Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Who Cares About the Kids?

 Enabling their poor treatment is a terrible thing. My FB comments and questions regarding the George Floyd prayer post were not well received, a couple of folks there are adamant that racism is the primary causal factor for the issues that many minorities face today.  Here is how I responded.

Since I know nothing will sway you from your perceptions of reality, and I will be deemed the "racesplainer" no matter what, so let's try this a different way...

  • How do you want to end the injustice?
  • How do you want to end generational poverty?
  • How do you want to repair broken families?
  • How do you want to end high rates of gang membership?
  • How do you want to pressure all parent(s) to prioritize academics for their children?

The war on poverty and the war on drugs brought us these unintended consequences. What have we learned from the last 50 years?

I have strong beliefs, the question is anyone willing to put kids first? 🙂

Then I got asked the question... "Do you think we do not care about children?"  At which time I said I would exit their comment string and discuss it elsewhere, since I sensed things would go down hill quickly from there.  I invited them to join me here or on FB if they wanted to continue.

So here is my answer to that question:

  • I think everybody cares about children, puppies, kitties, etc.  How could anyone not?
  • However many parent(s) who are allowed to take their baby home would not pass the screening to adopt a puppy, much less a child.  And yet enablers fight so that adult(s) can take home as many children as they choose to make, and they fight to give them money to support their irresponsible choices.
  • Then there are the "pro-life" hypocrites who say they care for the fetus, while fighting against birth control, first tri abortion, early childhood education funding, pre-natal and child healthcare services, parent training requirements, etc.
  • And let's not forget the pro-union folks who fight to protect questionable employees while securing higher compensation based on years instead of results. 

Now are the Liberals demanding that adult(s):

  • people only have the number of kids they can care for well?
  • ensure their children are ready for kindergarten?
  • ensure their children are fed, clean, go to school, do their homework, etc?
  • ensure the children do not join a gang?
  • the child is raised well with every chance to succeed?

No...  They are protesting because a gentlemen who was likely high on fentanyl died while an officer had him restrained.  Which I acknowledge as bad, unacceptable, etc, but where are their protests for all the millions of children who are being raised in households that should not have a dog, much less a child(ren)?

When the requirements and oversight for being allowed to bring a child home are as stringent as being allowed to drive a car on our roads, then I will think that we truly care for kids.  Thoughts?

Monday, March 29, 2021

Chauvin, Floyd and Justice

Where do the facts lead?  A FB friend wrote and posted an excellent prayer for these times of strife. It was really good, however I thought it needed one extra verse.

"And may the cities stay at peace, even if they disagree with the verdict."

Of course a couple of the other commenters disagreed.  They seem to think their verdict is more important and just than that of our court and the jury's. Now they did not advocate for violence or destruction, but they did insist that they would fight like hell for justice and not stop...  Which I assume translates to more large protests, more civil disobedience and of course, some resultant violence and destruction. 🙁 

They were sounding a lot like like them crazy conservatives who swear they are wiser and more just than our courts, so here was my normal response for those who support mob rule.

"I believe that our system has laws, due process, a judge and a jury for a reason. Unfortunately many people on both sides of this topic have a pre-conceived judgement in mind and would like to revolt against our laws and judicial system, whatever the verdict. That is unfortunate. 🙁

I personally have no idea what the verdict should be. It will be interesting to see what happens."

I have no doubt that Chauvin was in the wrong, even though the neck hold was an approved restraint at the time.  He and the other officers also had a duty to protect the life of a suspect.  Now the question is does his / their failure rise to the level of manslaughter or murder?

On the other hand, Floyd apparently had fentanyl in his system and he did not want to go into or stay in the squad car.  So did Chauvin remove him from the squad car and lay him on the ground as mercy?  Or to kill him?  Did Floyd die from the knee or the drugs?

The jurors are going to have a lot to consider.  And I hope the citizens of the world respect their decision.  Whatever it is. 

The Moon Freed the Ship

For science nerds on a lighter note... How a Supermoon Helped Free the Suez Canal Ship

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easy Access to Guns is Good?

 Per recent conversations at least?  With the current gun control bills and the recent mass shootings. (Link 2) My conservative friends have been posting all kinds of anti-gun control posts. (see image below)

I limited my comments to mostly the following:

  • What is your concern about ensuring that all gun transactions require a background ?  If it is easy for you to buy a used gun, it is easy for criminals, killers and sociopaths to do the same.
  • Since new gun sales are highly regulated and monitored, where do you think criminals, killers and sociopaths buy their guns?
  • A knife / shank is NOT a gun is NOT a semi-automatic rifle.  If you think they are, are you okay trying to kill prairie dogs or a grizzly bear with a knife?
  • If someone has a history of drunk driving or is obviously over the limit, would you let him keep his car keys?  And yet the anti-gun control folks are against red flag laws, that take weapons away from people that a court has deemed to be a risk to himself, his family or the public. 

Needless to say that we got no where, but some of comments were interesting. Like the following.

"Well I am here if you ever choose to answer simple questions rather than avoid them... 😮 Where do you think criminals get their guns?  How is holding people responsible for keeping their gun registered, secure and not sold to a criminal "punishing" them?  How is removing the guns from the homes of high risk citizens a bad thing? (ie red flag laws)" John/ G2A

"They get them from someone who has does not care about anyone's life others than theirs. So again who are you blaming for the guns that a criminal gets. I curious what your answer is." Friend

"I am blaming people who promote the easy recordless transfer of guns from registered back ground checked owners to non-background checked parties. So I guess people like yourself.  Remember, if it is easy for you to get a second hand gun from a private seller. It is also easy for the criminals and insane to get them. Which brings us back to how do we make it harder for criminals and the disturbed to get weapons?" G2A / John

I hope the current bills can make it through the Senate.  And I wish the IDIOTs on the Left would stop talking about banning or seizing AR15's... It is NOT helping. 

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Offended Offensive Wrong?

A friend posted a sign on FB.  It said:


Me being the smart a** I can be and since the poster has a history of posting conservative, gun rights , Dr Seuss, etc memes. My comment in response was.


Needless to say, my attempt at humor fell flat and drew questioning comments. And I hate trying to explain a joke, though I should be used to this since often my jokes are "unique".  So here was my attempt...

So you believe that if you are doing or saying something that is offensive to someone else... That is proof that you are correct?  A lot of folks like to post offensive things on FB, and a lot of people are easy to offend...  I simply don't think either is a measure of their accuracy and correctness. 😮

Assuming you are conservative, and you find the image below offensive or at least inaccurate. (just guessing)  Just because I posted it and you are offended / disagree. Does that make it correct? I don't think so.

My concern is that in America a lot of people post outlandish things and then if someone takes offense. They seem to take that as proof that they were correct, and then they double down and become defensive.

Apparently the commenter must have found the image offensive, because instead of replying regarding my concern / question...  He proceeded to insult my previous grammar and complain about Biden's press conference / speech.  So I just answered.

I did not create the sign wording... I just copied it with a slight twist. It seems this deserves a corollary. "Just because your words, actions or beliefs are offensive. "Doesn't mean you are right. " 🙂 🙂  Did you like the latest version better?  JUST BECAUSE YOU YOU ARE OFFENDED OR OFFENSIVE DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE RIGHT.

By the way, I grabbed the comic at random, it was not meant to imply anything about you or your previous comment. It was just a random example. I apologize if you were offended. I did not watch the Biden press conference, he was better than the alternative.... But I prefer fiscal conservative politicians. Have a great weekend !!!

After this exchange, I am wondering if people posting political things on FB reinforces their beliefs like confirmation bias.  Kind of like when people make statements in public and most polite company does not challenge them.  I know a few people who do this and they would swear that everyone in the room shared their views.  They are totally not watching the non-verbals of people who visibly disagree with them.

And with FB it is even worse because the unaware oblivious opinionated folks usually unfriend dissimilar voices. Thankfully I still have a few highly opinionated folks on FB who share some crazy stuff, and are tolerant of my typical questions, facts, etc. And sometimes I get one of their other conservative friends to enter into a dialogue.  Usually it does not go anywhere, but some dialogue is better than ZERO.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Death Rate Should Fall

Thankfully.  That is the stubborn anti-vaxxers relent and get their shots. 

"More than 43% of Americans 65 and older — the most vulnerable age group, accounting for an outsize share of the nation's more than 540,000 coronavirus deaths — have been fully vaccinated, according to the CDC. Vaccinations overall have ramped up to about 2.5 million shots per day.

Deaths per day in the U.S. from COVID-19 have dropped to an average of 940, down from an all-time high of over 3,400 in mid-January."

The good news is that at least the smart old and infirm folks can can now protect themselves against the stupid and selfish of the country.  

And if they are stupid, selfish, old and / or infirm, and choose to avoid getting vaccinated, the possible natural consequences may fine and leave our country better off. :-)   

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Fines Rewards and Productivity?

I need help with this one.  One of my conservative FB friends posted the joke, and some others thought I would disagree.  But in some ways I do agree.  So I stalled:

"I may need to give this more thought before answering... In some ways I agree and in some ways I think it is too simplistic... But I will give you a link and some questions since you expect it.

Were any of us truly unfortunate? I personally was blessed with educated financially secure parents who valued education and hard work. I think you were also?

Do any of us really think that we would see being on welfare as a reward?"

Now as far as I know most of these folks were blessed to be raised in stable homes and a low crime community with okay schools.  Thoughts?

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Our Country, Like it or Leave It. Really?

A woman was upset on FB that the Dr Seuss Company chose to stop publishing some of Dr Seuss' more questionable works.  Which is fine, this is America...  That is until she commented with this stupidity.

How long are they gonna allow all this nonsense?  
This is our Country , it’s time you like it as is or leave !!

So me being me, I had to reply.

Now I am curious... Who is "our" in this comment?

Unfortunately she never did respond, so I will just have to make some guesses.

I am particularly angry about this after what just happened in Minneapolis. And they may be unrelated because I do not know what the FB lady meant.  But they seem similar enough to put them in the same post.  An Asian looking grandfather was sitting with his grandchild at the school bus stop and some woman rolled down her car window and said the following.  'We hate Asian people. Go back to where you came from. Get out from America. If you don't do it, then we're going to kill you".

I have to ask, who in the hell are these people that think they have a right to be in the USA, and other legal residents or citizens do not?  I mean only the Native Americans have been here for a LONG time, most all of our families are relative new comers to this land.

Along these same lines, yet another Conservative woman was concerned about those Hispanics coming from the South.  I had to ask her what she had against Catholics of Spanish heritage? :-)  I mean they are Christian and friggin Europeans.

Well let's close with some data:

This all said...  Who is the "OUR" in "OUR COUNTRY"? :-)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

How Baby Boomers Screwed America

Not millennials. The boomers inherited a rich, dynamic country and have gradually bankrupted it.

This post is in response to a silly meme that old folks are sending around FB.  In summary, it says that old folks need money too, so double our SS when you double the minimum wage.  I know it is supposed to be funny, but it rubs me the wrong because:

  • SS is inflation indexed, Min wage is not.
  • These old folks setup and under funded SS & Medicare, so it is heading towards insolvency in ~12 years.
  • These old folks controlled the country as it quadrupled the national debt vs GDP
  • They set up entitlements for themselves that will make their children's lives very difficult
  • These old folks voted to reduce taxes while increasing spending
  • The old folks reduced infrastructure investments as a percent of GDP, so they could have lower taxes and higher benefits.
  • In essence they made a mockery of Kennedy's words.  "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" And instead said... "how can I pay less for and get more from my country"... :-( 
  • And then they joke about how they want even more.

Unfortunately I do not see it getting any better anytime soon.  Maybe our kids will figure it out.

Wealth Educated Spoiled Boomers: Good?

Millennials are struggling. Is it the fault of the baby boomers?

Good riddance: The last gasp of baby boomer politics

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Maher: US Losing to China

 By Fighting Over Stupid Things.    Bill  Maher did a good job of what I have been saying for years.

"Nothing ever moves in this impacted colon of a country. We see a problem and we ignore it, lie about it, fight about it, endlessly litigate it, sunset clause it, kick it down the road, and then write a bill where a half-assed solution doesn't kick in for 10 years," Maher explained. "China sees a problem and they fix it. They build a dam. We debate what to rename it."

Here is the EXCELLENT VIDEO.  It is amazing how much energy the Far Left and Far Right spend fighting over things that will NOT help the USA succeed globally...

Friday, March 12, 2021

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Why Not Universal Background Checks?

The House just passed universal background checks for gun sales — again  The bill, like all gun control legislation over the past several years, will likely fail in the Senate.

Why would any rational citizen be against this?

The background checks bill would expand federal oversight of gun sales, requiring unlicensed and private sellers to conduct background checks.

While gun sales between licensed sellers and buyers are contingent on the buyer’s passage of a federal background check for red flags like a criminal record or a history of mental illness, unlicensed sellers, including online sales, gun shows, and sales between family members and friends, are currently under no obligation to request a background check.

Under the bill, sponsored by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA), gun loans for activities such as hunting or gifting among family members are still permissible.

I mean except for the people who do want to sell their guns to criminals and the insane...

The reality is that most gun sales start with a legal purchase, the question is how to keep them from moving on to the criminals and disturbed? 


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Sensitive Conservatives

 I think I lost another one of my sensitive conservative FB friends. Which is somewhat ironic since they are the one's claiming to support free speech on FB...

And it only gets better, he was posting memes about how people who were sensitive about Dr Seuss, Mr Potato Head, etc were already angry and intolerant people.

I just posted these comics and mentioned that if the GOP's strategy is to spend all their energy stoking anger and division, they would likely lose big time in 2022.  And that I thought the GOP should start focusing on policies and solutions instead.

Farmers at the Trough?

 Bill Gates and Warren Buffet should thank American taxpayers for their profitable farmland investments

US Farm Subsidy Problem

CRP payments 

History of Ag Subsidies

Farm Subsidies Ballooned Under Trump

Since I am against making most wealth transfer payments, I do find rural America's hypocrisy a bit amusing.  Stop welfare, but send me my checks !!!  (comic says it all)

I acknowledge that much of this free money does come with rules, reporting, expectations, etc. However if we really want to eliminate the budget deficit, cuts need to occur every where.  :-O

The CRP program is one of my biggest pet peeves. We the tax payers are paying rent on people's hunting land, moderate land that the farmer does not want to farm, etc.  It is odd.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Trump Hostile Takeover of GOP

Donald Trump is attempting a hostile takeover of the Republican Party  

Trump’s one-sided feud with the RNC, explained.

Trump doubles down on calls to donate directly to him

Trump makes cash grab in bid to dominate GOP

I do mourn for what the GOP party is going through.  :-(

Especially since it is allowing the DEMs to pass liberal expensive laws. :-(

And the GOP voters seem unable to free their minds.  :-(

Oh well, we voters get what we deserve. :-)

Monday, March 8, 2021

Judgement is Subjective

A Conservative Trump True Believer was telling me that he thought in essence that Gov Cuomo was an arrogant a**hole.  He said that he came across to prideful, arrogant, cocky, etc.

Of course, me being me... I asked how that was in any way different than Trump?

Now of course the Conservatives are happy to attack Cuomo for his flirting / sexual antics.

I mean FOX here seems to support that Cuomo should resign "for his sins".  Even though he is apparently not married...  Where was this moral outrage with regard to Trump's behaviors?  People are so strange. :-)

Sunday, March 7, 2021

My Freedom for Your Life?

Below is a disturbing response that I received in response to my proving that more than 5,484 additional Minnesotans would have died if Gov Walz had handled our COVID response as terribly as Gov Noem did. He had proposed that the cost of saving their lives was $150 million.  Which I calculated to being $27,352 per person and he said.

"There's worse things than dying, Being controlled has a pretty high price tag also."

A little background to help you understand why this shocked me. This response came from one of nicest caring guys I know.  So I asked him some follow up questions

Yes it is a terrible burden to have to wear a mask when one can not social distance. 

It would be nice if American's were all more concerned about their friends and neighbors, stopping the transmission of a deadly virus and if mandates were not needed. Unfortunately the SD, ND and IA numbers prove that that is not reality.

So let's look at this a different way.

  • What would you do or pay to save the life of an elderly or infirm person?
  • What would you resist doing and for what reason?

Speaking of freedom I just remembered something else... What are your thoughts on:

  • texting / emailing and driving
  • drinking and driving at over .08 or .10%
  • smoking in public spaces
  • requiring a driver's license and insurance to drive
  • etc

Are our society's laws that are aimed at saving lives excessively controlling or logical?

Unfortunately he has not helped me understand his position better yet.

Ironically, another friend on FB was preaching the NRA mantra that guns are just like knives and should have no controls that would help keep them out of the hands of the disturbed and/or criminals.  I replied with this...

I always like this video to explain how an AR15 is not a knife. And certainly not needed for deer hunting... 🙂  It looks like fun... But if he can get that gun easily... So can everyone else...

Now I am no DEM who wants to protect everyone from everything, or pay them for every past problem.  But I am pretty sure that saving lives is worth not texting while driving, wearing a mask when you can not social distance, ensuring people are responsible with their weapons, etc. Thoughts?

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Noem Family Corruption?

I hate HYPOCRITES !!!  Of course there may be a very good reason that her family deserved many hundreds of thousands of socialistic handouts.  However I would think that true "Conservatives" would pass on begging from the state?

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Surprise, Surprise...

 People favor expansive Covid-19 relief

COVID Plan Details

House Stimulus Details

As you know, I am not a big fan of these massive money handouts that are feeding the national debt.  Unfortunately I appear to be in the minority.  I mean last year even the Trump True Believers were cheering them on. Whereas now they scoff at Biden's similar proposal. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Voting Rights ?

Supreme Court Cases  

H.R. 1, the For the People Act of 2021 

GOP lawmakers seek tougher voting rules after record turnout

Trump's 'big lie' has become the GOP's newest voter suppression weapon  The GOP’s war against voting rights continues.

Worst Gerrymandered States

The question I always wonder is which is more important to citizens...

  • Winning by manipulating and suppressing the vote?  
  • Or winning by offering up the best plan?
Personally I want as many legal voters to cast their votes as possible.  Which means making it secure, easy and safe.  Seems technology should be able to help with that.