Thursday, April 7, 2022

GOP Encourages Book Burning

Or at least the banning of 1000s of books.  It is surreal the the supposed party of "small government", "local government control" and "personal freedoms" is supporting fascism again.  Now if you doubt me, please read the Merriam Webster definition.

Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

I mean the GOP is supporting laws to BAN what local school districts can teach, seemingly believing that if they ignore the topics it will cease to occur?  I mean imagine if you are a child with 2 Mom's or 2 Dad's, or if you are a child who likes to dress differently, etc...  It seems that the GOP wants to deny that LGBTQ people exist?  I think that boat sailed long ago.  The FL bill seems like a windfall for lawyers and a HUGE bureaucracy for the state and the districts.  And it will all cost the schools money that they need to teach the kids.  So much for America the Free...

And then we have the fascist states who want to limit what is in the libraries and available to its residentsHow do Conservatives rationalize banning books, it is like a bad dystopian novel.

The GOP seems to be becoming the party of small minds and censorship. :-(  Of course the irony is that while they try to censor science, relationships, history, etc...  They complain people are not allowed to publish blatant lies whenever and where ever they wish... :-O  Maybe Hiram and Ray Dalio are correct that we as a nation are screwed !!!

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