Tuesday, April 19, 2022

What About ME !!!

 Says the modern selfish American ... :-(


Anonymous said...

Or as Spider man's uncle said, "With great power goes great responsibility."

Perhaps one of the most baffling things about modern Republicans is their belief that that rights don't carry with them, obligations. We see this in their views toward masks, where they believe they have a right to wear masks but no duty not to infect others. I don't understand this, but I do understand how it makes them vulnerable to the appeal of totalitarianism, which is otherwise curiously ironic.


John said...


Maybe Jerry will chime in and explain what a citizen's responsibilities are from the Far Right view point...

I mean he seems fine with big year after year deficits, polluting the air and water, spreading viruses / killing neighbors, warming the planet, owning unregistered / untracked weapons, etc.

John said...

Of course, the FAR Left seems obsessed with Rights also. :-(