Thursday, May 23, 2019

Mail Order Abortion Drugs

Here is some good news...  Maybe I will donate to these organizations. :-)
CNN European doctor defies FDA orders to stop sending US women abortion pills by mail

What I find most amusing that no one is cracking down on mail order Viagra... But Lord knows that women drugs are fair game. Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Pro life people view birth control pills as a form of abortion. For fans of logic, if abortion is prohibited, the prohibition of various forms of birth control must inexorably follow.


John said...

These are definitely abortion medications...

Not like other forms of contraception.

But they are only good for 0 to ~9 weeks...

Before the fetus is technically a fetus

John said...

By the way, I think your logic is flawed.

Most pro-Life people are concerned about the fertilized ovum... As long as the contraception prevents this from happening, most people are okay...

It is that perplex question as to when a human life begins...

Anonymous said...

I have heard pro life people argue that forms of birth control are what, "abortifacient" or can have that effect.


John said...

Only IUDs raise that question as far as I know.

Anonymous said...

It's what I hear all the time when birth control is discussed in groups where they don't think outsiders are listening.


John said...

Of course the crazier Catholics and Other Extremists think that every sperm and ovum is sacred... Whether they have met or not.

Anonymous said...

Of course the crazier Catholics and Other Extremists think that every sperm and ovum is sacred...

Given their premises, the logic is compelling. And their views are prevailing. What's happening is, after the appointment of pro life justices, their real agenda is emerging.
