Friday, June 14, 2019

How the Rich Got Richer


Anonymous said...

The way to get rich is to find ways to avoid paying taxes.


John said...

That is one of the ways...

The other is get married, live a simple life, save and invest.

Or to invent something that people are willing to pay for.

Or to inherit well and do not squander it.

Anonymous said...

Only if you invest in ways that avoid taxation.


Anonymous said...

Trump is teaching us how to be rich. Basically, it means doing anything that there are not enough FBI agents to investigate.


John said...

Rich people pay a lot more taxes than us.

Anonymous said...

Rich people pay a lot more taxes than us

Sure,but they avoid a lot more taxes than us too. That's how they got rich.


John said...

When someone makes a $1 million per year and pays $350,000 per year in taxes...

They get rich and pay a lot in taxes.

Please provide a source for this claim.

"they avoid a lot more taxes than us too"

Anonymous said...

"they avoid a lot more taxes than us too"

Bill Gates has 15 billion dollars. How much tax has he paid on that? zero, because that wealth is derived from founders shares for which he paid nothing and have appreciate untaxed.

That's how you become wealthy.
