Saturday, September 21, 2019

So Trump True Believers

Is it okay if Trump did use tax dollars and foreign policy to try and get dirt on his political opponent?

Here is some FOX and WSJ coverage...

"The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that, in a July phone call, Trump repeatedly asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to work with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani on a probe into Hunter Biden. The call came a month before Trump put a hold on $250 million in military aid to Ukraine -- a hold that was eventually released after objections from the Senate."


Laurie said...

as a Trump voter what do you think? Is there any limit to what you are willing to overlook in your support of him?

jerrye92002 said...

Fake news, already unraveling, but you keep believing.

John said...

Hi Laurie,
I think the question you mean to ask is will I vote for him again...

And as always... It will depend on who is running against him...

I acknowledge that he is a lying, self serving, etc man who I would never go into business with or trust my daughters. However as a President he is not doing terrible...

Hi Jerry,
Do you truly think Trump would not use every means at his disposal to dig up dirt on his political rival? Oh please do not be so naïve.

jerrye92002 said...

NO, I always lie about what I truly believe, whereas you seem to truly believe the lies you promote. :-/ sarc off.

John said...

Unfortunately I am not sure which is worse in this case...

Lying or being Naïve... :-)

The reality is that Trump does and says what is good for Trump...
And Trump is pretty sure that his supporters don't care what he does...
So Trump keeps being Trump...
Whether it is appropriate or not...

I found this an interesting assessment

The irony of course is that it may harm Biden more than Trump.

Since Trump True Believers do not care what Trump does or says with his influence as the POTUS, it will likely not matter as long as the Senate stays under his control.

Where as the DEMs actually care about honesty, good character, etc Joe may be out of the running.

Laurie said...

When you continue to support Trump's corrupt and illegal behavior you are no better than a Trump true believer, maybe worse as you see how corrupt he is and don't care. Your lack of ethics /morals surprises me as you are so quick to pass judgment on others.

John said...

Oh I would be over joyed with Trump being impeached and replaced by Pence.

From your perspective will that be better or worse?

And please note that no one has proved in a court or congress that Trump has done anything corrupt or illegal. He certainly pushes the boundaries in every way, but even the Mueller report stopped short of charging him with anything.

Or do you have some undeniable proof that no one else has?

Laurie said...

Pence would be better than Trump because he is more mentally stable and less corrupt.

The Mueller report found evidence of wrongdoing by Trump but thought it was up to Congress to investigate and impeach Trump rather than the justice department charge him with crimes.

The house dems have not done a very good job of investigating Trump. He should have been impeached by now.

John said...


1. the House DEMs are doing a poor job


2. Trump is a really annoying person who has not broke the boundaries.

It is amazing to me that you have judged him guilty with no trial...

Even the House DEM Leadership knows that they do not have an open and shut case.

What do you know that Nancy Pelosi does not know?
Maybe you should drop her an email? :-)

John said...

Please remember that ~45% of the US citizens disagree with you regarding Trump's supposed crimes / improprieties...

Do they all "lack of ethics /morals"?
Or could you be biased against a politician you despise?

Please note that Trump seeks popularity and control, however he is rather pragmatic and flexible on many things.

If you get an over the top zealot Bible banger like Pence in office, you may miss Trump.

Remember that Trump has not gotten us into any wars yet, for all your early fears that he would nuke someone...

John said...

It does amaze me how both tribes want to paint their politicians as Angels and the opposing tribe's as Devils.

Is it so hard to admit that they are all humans, with all the flaws and frailties?

Is this how you envision Trump?

Anonymous said...

"flexible on many things"

Morals, in particular.


Laurie said...

John said...

Prospect The Crisis is Now

John said...

If you keep reading pieces like that, no wonder you are scared and think he is the devil.

jerrye92002 said...

"2. Trump is a really annoying person who has not broke the boundaries."

Trump's only "crime" is that he fights back, which annoys the heck out of those used to dishing it out.

John said...

You are being very naïve and delusional again... :-)

John said...

GOP Struggles with Trump Ukraine Mess

jerrye92002 said...

Naive and delusional? Funny, there seems to be no credible evidence of that. And even were that true, it doesn't make me wrong.

John said...

I think there is plenty of evidence that this is incorrect.

"Trump's only "crime" is that he fights back"

Mueller pretty well admitted that Trump attempted to obstruct justice, but that he was not allowed to indict a sitting President.

And this new colossal blunder kind of follows the same formula. Trump thinks that he is an Emperor and not a Public Servant. He seems to forget that it is the people's money and that he can not use it to blackmail our allies for his personal gain.

But you are correct that he has not been found guilty yet. However if you give him enough time and no consequences, he will certainly lynch himself with that big mouth. :-)

jerrye92002 said...

Now who is naive and delusional? I point out it is impossible to obstruct justice if there is no underlying crime. And this Ukraine flapdoodle is about the same. Nobody has seen the whistleblower report; no one knows anything that was said; the President of Ukraine has said nothing untoward happened, and even in the extreme unlikelihood that Trump did what was alleged, it is bound to be less than what Joe Biden already did. But please, please keep pushing for impeachment. It's better than contributing to the Trump 2020 campaign.

Anonymous said...

“I point out it is impossible to obstruct justice if there is no underlying crime.”

You sure about that one?

John said...


Do you ever get tired of being corrected?

John said...

What I will find interesting is if he is actually compelled to testify under oath this time.

Remember how Trump and his lawyers fought tooth and nail against getting on the stand because they were certain he would be caught in one of his many lies... Those being found guilty of perjury.

This could be fun for an indifferent party like myself.

jerrye92002 said...

Do I ever tire of being correct? Is that your question?

And if you mean proving me wrong, I don't know. I've never seen you do it.

John said...

That is true...

You never learn...

Just keep stating the same opinions...

jerrye92002 said...

And you keep stating yours. Why are we doing this? I mean, as the T-shirt says, "I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."

Part of the problem is obvious from the title of this piece. You simply assume that those who voted for Trump, or who will vote for Trump, cannot possibly have a rational basis for doing so. Persuasion is far easier if you do not start by insulting those who disagree with you.

John said...

You said...

"I point out it is impossible to obstruct justice if there is no underlying crime."

I provided a source stating that it is highly likely that one can obstruct justice without a underlying crime.

You have provided ZERO sources to prove you opinion.

So how do you expect to be taken seriously?

Anonymous said...

The Nazis rationalized killing Jews. You're not making a good case for yourself.


John said...

And now Trump has even Bigger Problems

Trump Transcript

John said...

And now they want to redact and limit the whistle blower

He just does not learn.

John said...

By the way... What is your answer to the question?

"So Trump True Believers Is it okay if Trump did use tax dollars and foreign policy to try and get dirt on his political opponent?"

jerrye92002 said...

Easy. I simply reject the premise of the question. And ignore the inherent insult.

John said...

Please remember that I voted for Trump and may do so again depending on if he is found guilty. And who the DEMs put up against him.

And even I can answer this simple yes or no question.

NO it is not okay if Trump did use tax dollars and foreign policy to try and get dirt on his political opponent.

John said...

So maybe if I number the answers... Does that help make it simpler for you?

1. NO it is not okay if Trump did use tax dollars and foreign policy to try and get dirt on his political opponent.

2. YES it is okay if Trump did use tax dollars and foreign policy to try and get dirt on his political opponent.

Now we can see what the evidence shows. And decide if he did or did not. :-)

jerrye92002 said...

You forgot question 0: Are you a Trump True Believer or a rational voter like John? No, and I resent the insult.

1. That's a hypothetical and looks highly unlikely, certainly not provable.
2. See (1).

And let me ask you one. If Trump wanted to see justice done and Ukrainian corruption exposed in the strange case of Joe Biden's ADMITTED use of tax dollars and foreign policy for his PERSONAL benefit, why is THAT wrong, and Biden's underlying (greater and admitted) crime OK?

John said...

Until Trump True Believers can acknowledge Trump's very visible flaws, I do deem them to be somewhat irrational and cult like.

I believe that Trump does some good things as has not been terrible for the USA. However I can also acknowledge that he lies often. If one can not truthfully acknowledge this, I think they are not very rational.

My offer to evaluate his past most egregious false statements still stands

John said...

Now... The big question...

Are you going to blindly believe the mistruths that Trump states repeatedly in an effort to in essence brainwash you. (see link above)

I mean that is easier and will likely make you feel better.

Or will you study what Biden really said and did?

You remind me of the Liberals who are certain that Trump did something terrible and that he should be convicted without a trial... It is apparently easier for them than going through the work of research.

John said...

Some more opinions and data points to consider

And some more

jerrye92002 said...

"Until Trump True Believers can acknowledge Trump's very visible flaws..."

Until you stop calling perfectly rational people "true believers," there is no point in even acknowledging your proposition. THEN you have to answer TO WHOM are these "very visible flaws" visible, and to what degree they matter to the price of soybeans in China.

John said...

When you start discussing the good, bad and ugly of Trump, I will stop calling you and all the others "True Believers"...

Remember when the Left could speak No Evil of Obama and how that frustrated you?

Now you are acting like a mind dead robot like they were, just for a different politician.

We know that Trump lies often... As proven above...

So how does know when he is telling the truth or lying.

Here is the Whistle Blower report for comparison against the Trump version of events