Monday, December 16, 2019

I Like These Folks

USA Today 'What is Trump hiding?': Republican billboard aims at Trump's impeachment defiance

The same question all good law supporting citizens should asking.


John said...

Maybe there are some GOP who interested in getting answers from the Executive branch? Doubtful, but maybe.

John said...

Or Roberts may take this seriously?

Anonymous said...

I don't think Roberts wants to take on the risk of challenging Trump.


John said...

Likely not...

And McConnell sure is against getting to the truth

John said...

We are Republicans and We want Trump Defeated by George Conway

Laurie said...

from K. Drum, who agrees with John today:

"....But perhaps there’s another way. I know this will sound ridiculous, but hear me out: Democrats could figure out how to appeal to working-class whites.

I know that many progressives would rather move to Canada than even consider such a thing. After all, working-class whites are racist! They hate gays! They love guns! They go to church! They oppose liberal immigration laws! They want to ban abortion! They drive pickup trucks! They like low taxes! They don’t understand intersectionality!

Well, yeah. That’s true of many of them, though certainly not all. And “not all” is a key point here. It’s not as if Democrats have to appeal to stone racists or lunatic gun nuts to win in rural states. They just have to ease up on some of the things that rural voters think are important. Doing this doesn’t automatically mean that you want immigrants in cages or black men to be the targets of mass incarceration. Nor does it mean you want to force women to give birth against their will or fry the planet via climate change. It just means you accept the reality that sometimes society moves more slowly than you’d like.

In 2008, Democrats won Senate seats in Montana, South Dakota, Iowa, Arkansas, Louisiana, West Virgina, and North Carolina. Places like that seem like nothing more than dreams these days. But they aren’t. If working-class whites can move into the Republican camp over the course of only a few years, they can move out in just a few years too. But progressives have to actually care about them and be willing to compromise here and there to win their votes. This is what politics is all about, and always has been."

John said...

I think that was the wisest thing Kevin has ever written. :-)

John said...

VOX Senate Discussion

Anonymous said...

I know this will sound ridiculous, but hear me out: Democrats could figure out how to appeal to working-class whites.

Grumbling about water pressure and light bulbs seems to work.
