Distributed via Email. A fairly Far Right individual sent this to me thinking it was amusing. Though of course I took it very differently than it was intended. What amazes me after studying it some is how they mix a little truth, with some lies, false equivalencies, total irrational comparisons and confused causalities. The scary thing is that they seem to think this makes sense or is funny. 😱
I do agree with the words in blue though, I mean how did we come to a point where normal rational citizens are passing this along via email?
If you agree with any of these statements, please explain your rationale. I would be happy to discuss them in great detail.
Critical things to think about in 2022I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America, at least not the one I have known all my life. I have never wished to live anywhere else. This is my home and I was privileged to be born here.
But today I woke up and as I had my morning coffee, I realized that everything is changing for the worse. No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, no matter how much I pray, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same.
I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life--so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind!
You can't justify this insanity:
- If a guy pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him. (Compliance required by the Government)
- Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
- Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.
- It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine.
- Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
- People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
- People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
- Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
- Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang member or terrorist who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
- $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.
- If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
- If you cheat in an election nothing happens to you, but if you point out the mathematical errors of that election you are a conspiracy theorist & disdained.
- People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
- We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan for us.
- Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
- Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it's a violation of their rights.
- And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us "racists"?!
- Nothing makes sense anymore - no values, no morals, and no civility.
- People are dying of a Chinese virus, but it's racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China.
We are clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong but killing unborn babies is okay!
Wake up America, the great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, it's taking on water, and is sinking fast. We Americans are drowning. Speak up while you still have breath and a voice for soon you will have neither if you don't.
Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.
The issue seems to be whether it evil to say this.
As the author of the piece must know, it's the job of the census to count people not Americans. That's because the main job of the census is to be used to apportion the House of Representatives, and that is based on the count of residents, not citizens.
So the guy is being deceptive. Is that enough to conclude that he is acting with evil intent? Is this an instance of evil?
Apparently the author thought that following the law was evil?
I mean I do not understand why we apportion government representation based on including the illegal residents in the head count... But this apparently is how the law has been written for a long time.
"No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, no matter how much I pray, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same.
I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I have known all my life--so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone. "
I mean I do not understand why we apportion government representation based on including the illegal residents in the head count.
It's what the constitution requires. And it makes sense, of course. Illegal aliens send their kids to school, kids who are very often US citizens, to schools just like the rest of us. They have jobs, they pay taxes, they are subject to the draft, they serve in the military. They aren't outlaws, many of them have never committed a crime with regard to their immigration status.
Recently, a Supreme Court nominee was accused of abetting child traffickers. If someone believed that to be true, why wouldn't they be the target of hostility?
Yes I am aware of your disregard for civil statutes...
It's civil statutes that require illegal aliens to do all those things.
The trick is the status thing. Anglo Saxon law is concerned with what people do, not who they are. Crossing the border is something people do. But just being here isn't a crime. An illegal alien ordering a McMuffin at MacDonald's hasn't committed a crime in doing it simply because his papers aren't in order.
Many aliens haven't even committed a crime when they crossed the border. They might have arrived here legally.
In any event, the constitution is quite clear on the matter. We count heads, not citizens, and the heads are hard enough. I can't imagine the nightmare it would be if we asked 300 million people to prove their citizenship every ten years.
As I said, I am aware of your disregard for civil statutes...
Crossing the border without paperwork and authorization is a violation.
Over staying one's VISA is a violation.
Not sure why you deny that illegal residents clearly broke the civil statutes.
And are therefore subject to our country's courts and possible deportation.
No wonder Conservatives think Liberals are not for Law and Order.
Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.
This is an idea I often see. To begin with, I don't think illegal aliens voting in our elections is much of a problem. Are there any cases of it happening at all? It's hard enough to get citizens to vote.
The phrase used is "illegal voting" which doesn't need to apply to aliens. What it may mean is people voting under rules which are contrary to law. What people appear to want if for such votes to be discarded. That shouldn't be allowed to happen because the voter did nothing wrong and was entitled to rely on process as presented to him by the government. Conversely, the state should not be allowed to discard votes simply because it made a mistake. To believe otherwise, would open up the process to manipulation, something we have actually seen attempted in the aftermath of the 2020 election.
Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.
This is the issue I always had in Sunday school as a child, at least in terms of guilt as opposed to responsibility.
I guess my immediate response, is that we benefit from things that happened before we born, what possible rationalization could their be for not accepting responsibility for continuing costs of those things? Freedom, I have been told, is not free.
In terms of responsibility today, Republicans are now campaigning on promise to raise taxes on poor people, as if poor people aren't already burdened by taxation. We will see how that works out.
I agree that the voting one is stupid... I can not think of anyone who support non-citizens voting. Unless maybe Hiram. :-)
Though I agree many citizens and families were harmed by past US laws and policies, I do not support current tax payers paying reparation.
I can not think of anyone who support non-citizens voting.
Historically, you didn't have to be a citizen to vote. Think if you lived in a rural Minnesota town where most people were immigrants. If non citizens couldn't vote, very little voting would have occurred at all.
I am not generally in favor of reparations. I like to think I would have opposed the Treaty of Versailles although I might have been just as caught up in anti German sentiment as everyone else was. But opposition to reparations wouldn't have meant dealing with the consequences of WW I on all sides.
"I do not support current tax payers paying reparation."
We're paying for it one way or another.
We're paying for it one way or another.
In this country, we had a policy of slavery for hundreds of years. Of course that had long term consequences. If we want to call that "reparations", that's fine, but that doesn't change the underlying reality. At Versailles, if the allies had called the punitive policies on defeated Germany something other than "reparations", I don't think the impact on Germans and subsequent events.
We are paying welfare for the current citizens who made / make bad choices. (ie not learning in school, having more kids than they can afford, having more kids than they can raise well, becoming addicted, etc)
And if you want to think of the "War on Poverty" as a HUGE reparations experiment... Then we already spent that money and it for the most part failed, so why would dump more money down that snake hole?
I assume those reparations were timely and paid directly to the injured party. Not 60 to 150 years after the offense, to people who never experienced the issue.
We have MANY MANY immigrants who have joined our country and succeeded here.
Not sure why Progressives want to keep making excuses for American born losers?
"And if you want to think of the "War on Poverty" as a HUGE reparations experiment... "
I don't think of it as reparations. The "War on Poverty" treats the symptoms, not the cause.
It seems like Lyndon Johnson believed differently.
"The program I shall propose will emphasize this cooperative approach to help that one-fifth of all American families with incomes too small to even meet their basic needs.
Our chief weapons in a more pinpointed attack will be better schools, and better health, and better homes, and better training, and better job opportunities to help more Americans, especially young Americans, escape from squalor and misery and unemployment rolls where other citizens help to carry them.
Very often a lack of jobs and money is not the cause of poverty, but the symptom. The cause may lie deeper in our failure to give our fellow citizens a fair chance to develop their own capacities, in a lack of education and training, in a lack of medical care and housing, in a lack of decent communities in which to live and bring up their children.
But whatever the cause, our joint Federal-local effort must pursue poverty, pursue it wherever it exists -- in city slums and small towns, in sharecropper shacks or in migrant worker camps, on Indian Reservations, among whites as well as Negroes, among the young as well as the aged, in the boom towns and in the depressed areas.
Our aim is not only to relieve the symptom of poverty, but to cure it and, above all, to prevent it. "
I assume those reparations were timely and paid directly to the injured party.
They were paid after the war. I don't know, offhand, who got them. Reparations continued well into the thirties and had a destabilizing effect on relations between countries during the the Great Depression.
Historically, it's the world's losers who have emigrated here. The poor and oppressed yearning to be free, as it were.
"It seems like Lyndon Johnson believed differently."
I'm not required to agree with Lyndon Johnson.
That is interesting...
"Historically, it's the world's losers who have emigrated here. The poor and oppressed yearning to be free, as it were."
And yet you want them to pay reparations to people who are long dead?
Just reminding you that the war on poverty's goal was to acknowledge that many people were struggling for many historical reasons. And that by spending tax dollars we could repair and improve them so they could live the American dream.
Unfortunately many people took it as a hand out rather than a hand up. :-(
And I do not see reparations faring any better.
"Unfortunately many people took it as a hand out rather than a hand up. :-("
I don't think this stands up to scrutiny. Labor force participation is up since the War on Poverty, not down. The percentage of the population with high school and college degrees is up (way up!), not down. The notion that people are lazy and just taking handouts ain't true. But no matter how many times you get hit over the head with the data, you'll just retreat to your old talking points.
Please feel free to deny all the millions of children who still fail academically, end up parent(s) way to early, etc... And therefore are still trapped in a cycle of generational poverty.
And yes the labor participation rate did increase for many reasons. The key reasons being the Baby Boomer cohort and women entering the work force. Not sure that proves anything about the War on Poverty?
Labor Participation Rate
"THE LAST 50 YEARS OF THE 20TH CENTURY have witnessed momentous changes in the size, composition, and characteristics of the U.S. labor force.
The same social, demographic, and economic forces that influenced the level, growth, and composition of the labor force during the past 50 years will continue to influence the workforce in the coming decades.
Chief among these forces has been an explosion of women’s participation rates for all age groups, which caused the share of women in the labor force to increase from 30 percent in 1950 to 47 percent in 2000. In contrast to the last 50 years, during which the surge in women’s participation propelled labor force growth, the next 50 years will likely see stabilization in the growth of women’s participation, resulting in workforce growth dropping to 0.6 percent annually.
Another factor responsible for the labor force growth of the past 50 years is the baby-boom generation. Just as the entry of the baby boomers swelled the ranks of the labor force in the last three decades, their exit will have a profound effect on the level and composition of the U.S. labor force in the next two decades. The baby-boom generation will remain a generator of change even at its retirement."
As for Graduation rates...
I am concerned that the Schools are just passing through more academically challenged kids. :-(
And that certainly does not help them escape the poverty cycle. :-(
The Hispanics are definitely improving
"Please feel free to deny all the millions of children who still fail academically, end up parent(s) way to early, etc... And therefore are still trapped in a cycle of generational poverty."
I'm not denying it. I'm just not ascribing it to "laziness" the way you are. Because there's precious little evidence that folks are lazier than they were before.
I am pretty sure I have never labelled a single cause.
In fact, I have identified many causal factors
And I don't think writing checks based on racial history will do anything to help the kids become responsible educated self supporting citizens.
If it would have... The War on Poverty would have been won...
People are dying of a Chinese virus, but it's racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China.
I think a million people died because this is the way we thought of the virus, as a person with a nationality, not a thing.
It was cool for Joe Biden to "blackmail" the President of Ukraine.
I am pretty sure it was Trump who tried to blackmail Ukraine. A surprising mistake for the author in this context.
They are still spouting Trump lies
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