or Why won't he take it? I believe he is on the record that "his vaccine" is wonderful and a miracle... And yet apparently he is scared to take it?
I mean the other alternative is that he is a self sacrificing man who wants to save his dose for folks in the nursing home? Yeah I don't think so...
So first the man resists masks and now he resists the inoculation. I think he is really trying to kill of his older followers. :-)
The makers of this vaccine were under immense political pressure to get it done as early as possible, preferably before the election. Is it really surprin creatising that those most involved in creating the pressure, are skeptical of the outcome? This goes also to the fundamental irony of the Republican Party and perhaps of our politics generally. Republicans are committed to the idea that government does not work. Given that, when in power, Republicans have to deal with dilemma that if they do their job effectively and competently, they undermine the fundamental rationale of their party. This is why when faced with a crisis,their first impulse is to respond incompetently. Trump's inaction and deception with regard to the virus are a case in point. Further on, when the government does do well, in this case, creating an effective vaccine, well ahead of a lot of even very optimistic expectations, they are torn between taking credit for it and undermining it's credibility as a product of the government they despise. Once again, as so often in the past, the thought occurs to me that it must suck to be a Republican.
Sorry, but you have now proved how badly you've lost your grip on reality in the depths of your Trump-hate. Trump HAD Covid, remember? He is now immune and doesn't need the vaccine!
I don't know that in my posting, I was referring specifically to Trump. The problem is more generally the ambivalence many Republicans are displaying toward the vaccine. I have that ambivalence myself. The fact that the development of this vaccine and the timing of it's release was so demonstrably the result of political considerations doesn't do a lot to create confidence. That's why, more generally, it's so important for politicians not to politicize various policies.
In any event, I don't know that people who have had Covid are immune to further infection. I am far from Mr. Disease guy, it' a field about which I know nothing.
Time for you to do some studying.
Not to mention that a President should lead by example. They should social distance, wear masks, wash hands with soap and water often, and get the inoculation that he is claiming credit for. This is how he can help encourage his followers to do the same.
Instead he scoffed at masks, held rallies, etc and we have 300,000+ dead Americans... Oh well...
More curriculum
John, your concern for Trump is touching. And I thought you WANTED him to die of COVID.
Given how many deaths his ineptitude has caused, that would be ironic.
But I would prefer that he be a good role model that convinces his dim witted followers to get inoculated, wear masks, social distance, etc. Such simple steps that could save lives and he just keeps resisting the modelling of that behavior.
And you apparently support his choices and actions, which I will never understand. Oh well 304,000 dead and climbing fast.
Most being of age to receive SS and Medicare... I guess there is an upside to his failure.
To put a human face on it though. My friends elderly Mom just died from COVID complications yesterday... Until then she was happy and healthy living in assisted living home.
This seems relevant here. Some of Trump's doing what they do best... And him doing nothing to counter it.
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