Sunday, August 19, 2018

John Dean: Rat or Hero?

Trump certainly has a flawed concept of what a rat is and what a good citizen is...

but then again he is the guy who said while a jury was in deliberation to determine if Paul is guilty on 18 counts of serious crimes that may get him locked up for the rest of his life...

"He happens to be a very good person, and I think it's very sad what they've done to Paul Manafort."

His idea of "good character" is certainly questionable.


Anonymous said...

It's a problem of moralism in politics. When someone claims they are moral, and evidence clearly shows they are not, denial is one logical response. Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lyin' tape recorder?

I do wonder if the Kubler Ross stages of grief are applicable here to Trump supporters. Can we look forward to, or are they already in the midst of, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance?


John said...

A different perspective.