Saturday, October 6, 2018

Justices and Tribal Divide


Anonymous said...

Mabye courts aren't places where we should extend our tribalism. But that's what we did.


John said...


John said...

I posted this on the other thread, but I think it fits here well also.

So let”s consider the options...

1. Keep the “they said” / “they said” zoo going. Continue the media feeding frenzy.

2. Reject Kavanaugh nomination. There by rewarding this last minute circus.

3. Approve Kavanaugh nomination.

Personally I think all the choices are poor.

I would have preferred they look for another candidate with no possible Skeletons in the closet. Unfortunately both sides made this so political that I don’t think either side can back down.

When the DEMs started the process saying that they would do anything to block Trump’s second nomination... We knew it would be rough sailing. :-(