MinnPost's Eric Black: Kavanaugh is the new normal: Supreme Court nominations and confirmations are now party-line matters
This is a good piece and the comments are interesting. Thoughts?
Raising social involvement, self awareness and self improvement topics, because our communities are the sum of our personal beliefs, behaviors, action or inaction. Only "we" can improve our family, work place, school, city, country, etc.
Mabye courts aren't places where we should extend our tribalism. But that's what we did.
I posted this on the other thread, but I think it fits here well also.
So let”s consider the options...
1. Keep the “they said” / “they said” zoo going. Continue the media feeding frenzy.
2. Reject Kavanaugh nomination. There by rewarding this last minute circus.
3. Approve Kavanaugh nomination.
Personally I think all the choices are poor.
I would have preferred they look for another candidate with no possible Skeletons in the closet. Unfortunately both sides made this so political that I don’t think either side can back down.
When the DEMs started the process saying that they would do anything to block Trump’s second nomination... We knew it would be rough sailing. :-(
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