I decided to see if the Board had named who they hired a detective to investigate... No luck there, but they do have a meeting Tuesday evening with some interesting things on the docket.
From my reading of the proposals, it looks like they are going implement some kind of "variable punishment policy". I assume to align with this deal. Thoughts?
2018/19 Handbook
Proposed Student Discipline Policy Change
- Every school shall establish a Schoolwide and Classroom Behavior Plan identifying and teaching behavior expectations and identified responses within the requirements of this policy and directives from the Superintendent.
- Every classroom will establish and teach behavior expectations within the district’s policy, the Superintendent’s directives and the school’s behavior plan with participation from the students in the classroom.
- Every school employee will demonstrate high standards of behavior, modeling appropriate actions and response to student behaviors.
- Every school will examine its discipline data to ensure that responses to student behavior do not show evidence of bias or discriminatory behavior. Statistical data alone will not establish bias or discrimination. Schools shall also use behavior data to identify and provide additional training to staff and students; and to provide effective interventions for students to improve student outcomes.
- Individual needs shall be considered in determining the appropriate response to behavior that does not meet school standards.