WAPO GOP congressman quotes Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ to slam Trump’s adversaries as liars
It really is incredible some GOP idiots will say. Maybe I'll have to claim to be independent to avoid the shadow... Oh well...
Next they will insist that we salute the guy with funny hair. :-)
It really is incredible some GOP idiots will say. Maybe I'll have to claim to be independent to avoid the shadow... Oh well...
Next they will insist that we salute the guy with funny hair. :-)
In the last credible general election, in 1932, 13.7 million Germans voted for Hitler. Let's not underestimate the continuing electoral appeal of evil.
Though I am loath to bring up comparisons between modern day USA and 1930's Germany, since the situations are so different.
I can see how a populist of questionable character can rise in power. I mean today's Trump True Believers are seriously committed to whatever he says, no matter what the facts are.
For a fact based analyst like me it is somewhat surreal how many people can ignore all the hard data, photos, etc.
Then totally rationalize Trump's comments into reality...
And if you even question them they start attacking you for being a non-believer... I imagine it was like that at the Salem witch hunts, and many other times in history. Scary.
I think there are a lot of similarities between 1932 Germany and America today. The biggest similarity is that both the Weimar Republic and the United States have lost political legitimacy. For example, many Americans view taxation as a form of theft. That can only be the case if the government that does it isn't legitimate.
"...it is somewhat surreal how many people can ignore all the hard data, photos, etc."
And still vote for the person.
Do you have a source for this? "many Americans view taxation as a form of theft" How many? I think it is a pretty small number.
I voted for him knowing his flaws...
I just hoped that he would grow up and mature...
Unfortunately I was wrong...
"many Americans view taxation as a form of theft" How many?
I don't know how many. It's something I hear all the time.
Area fact-based analyst posts wild obscure liberal conspiracy theory, but is unfamiliar with common conservative trope of "taxation as theft".
In fairness, Conservatives are not alone in challenging the legitimacy of the political system. I know I have a hard time explaining to people that their votes matter when three million of them were thrown out in the presidential election of 2016.
That was somewhat useless.
Actually it seems to me that "taxes are theft" is a Libertarian trope.
Conservatives I know may disagree with taking money from Peter to give to Paul. Or even the whole SS / Medicare forced savings mandate...
However I have rarely heard them say "taxes are theft". Most of them appreciate the core government functions: property rights, law and order, national defense, interstate commerce, roads and other infrastructure, education, etc and are happy to pay for them.
And though most Libertarians are Conservative, they can also be Liberal...
"I just hoped that he would grow up and mature..."
When people show you who they are, believe them.
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