It is strange that Trump would be happy to give the DEMs such an excellent platform. I mean ACA is now fairly popular and Trump is still working to kill it. I mean just think of the benefits that most people should appreciate:
The Hill Surprise ACA move puts GOP in Bind
NBC Trump says His plan will be better... Trust me...
NPR If ACA is Repealed
Health Leaders Thump Trump DOJ Reversal
DN No Answers
- Kids can stay on Parent's insurance until 26
- People with pre-existing conditions can get reasonable insurance
- Premiums for older Americans limited to 3 times those of younger Americans
- Other
The Hill Surprise ACA move puts GOP in Bind
NBC Trump says His plan will be better... Trust me...
NPR If ACA is Repealed
Health Leaders Thump Trump DOJ Reversal
DN No Answers
Trump feels it's important to present himself as a winner, and this is an issue he can win on.
He can win by kicking people & young adults off their insurance?
And taking away well check benefits from others?
I am not sure he is think too well.
Trump may be able to win in court on this issue, but if he does, he's got to get a new bill through a divided Congress otherwise he and his party own the 50 million Americans with preexisting conditions that are going to be impacted by it.
Good luck with that!
Agreed... Seems like a problem.
Especially given the terrible options they considered almost 2 years ago.
Though the 50 million seems like a big exaggeration.
It's on the low end. At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans: 129 Million People Could Be Denied Affordable Coverage Without Health Reform
Maybe I misinterpreted your initial comment.
the 50 million Americans with preexisting conditions that are going to be impacted by it
You aren't talking about people losing insurance? You are saying that people may need to stay employed by companies with good benefits instead of retiring early or becoming self employed?
Rescinding the new health insurance protections would, now and starting in 2014:
Reduce the health care and health insurance options of the 50 to 129 million Americans with pre-existing conditions;
Take away, for the 32 to 82 million people with both a pre-existing condition and job-based insurance, the ban on lifetime limits on benefits, restrictions on annual limits on benefits, new protections in the small group market from discrimination based on health status, and the security of knowing you can change jobs without losing your health coverage and care;
Lock older Americans into their current coverage if they have it, since up to 86 percent of people ages 55 to 64 have some type of pre-existing condition;
Limit insurance options for the parents of the up to 2 million uninsured children with pre-existing conditions, who today can no longer be blocked from purchasing individual market insurance due to their pre-existing condition.
Tax cuts for wealthy people have to be paid for somehow.
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