Saturday, November 7, 2020

Concession Speech Soon?

 I know...  Wishful thinking that he would be that mature...

It is interesting that he is saying the system is "rigged" when it elected him in 2016...

And how the "rigged" election mostly just kicked the obnoxious loud mouthed liar out office, not a lot of other Republicans.


Laurie said...

I don't think Trump is capable of a consession speech. I think we will be hearing about a rigged election until he leaves office in Jan. (and after he leaves)

John said...

Agreed.... He is a loser in many ways...

Anonymous said...

The scary thing is that Trump is still the de jure president for the next two and a half months.


John said...

Well with the House and the courts in his way, his ability to wreak havoc during his temper tantrum should be limited.

Anonymous said...

The thing about trains is that they have a tendency to leave the station whether or not we happen to be on them.

Republicans are free to ask for their recounts, wait for their final tallies and certifications. They are free to question the legitimacy of this election either and both politically and legally. They have a constitutional right not to be patriotic if that's the path they choose. But facts are facts, and if they choose to be left behind, the country will move forward without them.


Anonymous said...

The immediate problem we are facing now is that the GSA administrator has not issued a letter allowing the transition to start. What they tell me is that it is a complicated thing, that requires a lot of time and money to get done before January 20th, and that isn't happening. According to law, I am told, the letter must be issued when the result of the election becomes "apparent".

We kind of assume now, that Trump will not participate in the transition of power. It is currently his position that the election was stolen, that he was the legitimate winner, and the Biden presidency will be illegal. While this will present enormous political problems for the Repubican Party and our country as a whole, President Trump is free to maintain these positions. But he must not be allowed, or enabled by the Republican Party to actively disrupt the transition.


John said...

I saw that. What a mess.

Anonymous said...

The dealmaker wants to be negotiated into doing his job. It's a form of hostage taking.
